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Dokończ pytania:
1. Bill put up the tent when they arrived.
2. Joe is swimming in the river.
3. Vera and Lynne cook the meals because they enjoy it.
4. He is looking for fish today.
5. Sula and Jamie apened the trap.

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    1. when did bill put the tent up ?
    2. where is Joe swimming ?
    3. Why do Vera and Lynne cook the meals ?
    4. What is he looking for ?
    5. What did Sula and Jamie apened ? (chyba "apened" to złe słowo - nie ma takiego w słowniku)


  • userphoto

    1. when did bill put the tent up?
    2. where is Joe swimming?
    3. Why do Vera and Lynne cook the meals?
    4. What is he looking for?
    5. What did Sula and Jamie apened?

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