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    The myth of Prometheus - a summary

    Prometheus was one of the titans. It was he a man of clay. He gave his life, and thus the soul. But people were quite clumsy creatures. They could not tame nature, does not cope with the world around them. Prometheus saw it, like a good and wise father, he began to train people in the hunt, showed a simple craft work. He also wanted people to have a fire. Zeus, however, did not agree to it for fear of independence of the people. But Prometheus treat people as their own children. He looked at their hard life, and his heart kroiło. He knew that the bear as a punishment, but still dared to steal fire from the gods and give it to people. This insubordination very angered both Zeus and other gods. So the gods decided to create a marvelous beauty woman, give her the name of Pandora, which literally meant the gift of the gods. It was to be a gift to Prometheus. In her hand she held a mysterious Pandora box. So equipped woman Hermes lifted to the ground and stood before the door titan. Prometheus, however, sensed a clever trick and celebrated woman. Unfortunately, Prometheus had a brother, Epimetheus was silly. Pandora arrived, and to his hut. This saw such a beauty married her immediately and her dowry opened an interesting can. And it came to disaster. The cans because it outside, to the human world of all diseases, misfortunes, sorrows, tears. Prometheus was angry with the gods and decided to take revenge on them. To this end he killed ox and divided it into two parts. One of them had to choose Zeus as a solemn sacrifice of the people in honor of the gods. Prometheus used a ruse. Cries covered the meat with dry skin, and bones - thick fat. Zeus did not expect this and chose this part of the fat. Great was his surprise when it turned out that underneath are the same bone. But even greater was his anger. With revenge ordered chain Prometheus to the rock. Every day a vulture flew wyżerał Titan and liver, which every day odrastała. From this passion until Hercules rescued titan. But from then on Prometheus is a symbol of sacrifice has given humanity. Promethean attitude is very current in the literature, especially in the Polish romanticism, the concept of Mickiewicz.


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