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  • 2 0

    Hi Adam,
    We've just arrived to Barcelona. It's amazing place. There's a lot of skyscrapers, big shops and parks. First we looked for any hotel. Later we visited our neighbour. They're shooting a movie not far from us.
    Today we're going to go to any shops to buy some trifles. Tomorrow we're going to Camp Nou Stadium. I heard it's very huge object. I must to see it. On Saturday I want to go to any disco to relax. I have a plane on Sunday at Midday so I should be in Poland about 2:00-3:00 p.m.
    See you soon,


  • agnesa

    Hi Peter!

    Greetings from London. The weather is fine and we can do sightseeing all day long. Yesterday we visited the St. Paul's Cathedral and its Whispering Gallery. It was fantastic! Then we went to the Monument and we climbed all the steps to see the London's panorama from the top. The view was really amazing!
    In the evening we had a ride on the London Eye. I was a little scared when we were riding very high but my friends kept laughing all the time and finally I relaxed.
    Tomorrow we are going to visit the Tower of London. I hope it will be wonderful, too.

    Regards, XYZ

  • rudy544

    Hi Iwona
    I know I haven't been writing for a long time, but, to tell the truth,I was busy. Now I am staying in London at a lovely guest- house near Piccadilly Circus. It is a well- known landmark famous for its colourful nean advertisement and the statue of Eros. So far, I have visited many places of interest and I have learned a lot about English history and culture.
    Here are so many things worth seeing in London. People are very nice. I have met a lot of young people -at my age. The nightlife is really exciting here.
    I went to Buckingham Palace, the monarch'r residence, and I observed the colourful ceremony of the Changing of the Guard in the forecourt. I visited the Houses of Parliament with its famous Big Ben clock tower. I also went to Westminister Abbey, London's most magnificent Gothic Church where all British sovereigns are crowned. Then I had a walk along th river Thames. I went also on a tour of St. Paul's Cathedral, the architectural masterpiece of Sir Christopher Wren. The interior of the cathedral contains the monuments and tombs of many famous figures.
    In the future I am going to visit a distant country, so that, the most attractive option- from my point of view- is travelling by plane. Plane is the fastest, safest and most comfortable means of transport. During the flight stewardesses offer meals, refreshments and sweets. You can read magazines, listen to music, watch in-flight movies or just sleep.
    I have to say that my experience has become rich here. I am having a wonderful time and I'm very busy sightseeing. I've taken lots of photos so I can tell you all about it when I get back. Well, I must finish now. I am going to London's Kew Gardens.
    Bye, bye..

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