Treść zadania


Uzupełnij luki wpisujac czasownik z nawiasu w czasie past continuons lub past simple

1.What happened to you? I..................(fall) off the ladder while
I.........(clean) the windows.

2. Where .............(you be) yesterday afternoon? I.........(call) you but there...........(be) no answer.

3.I.......... (be) at home but you ...............(probably / ring) me while I ..............(cut) the grass outside in the garden. Why?
I ...........(have) nothing to do so I............(think) we could go to the cinema.

4. There ...........(be) a power cut last night
Yes, I know I ............(surf) the Net when the lights ............(go) out.

5. So what .........(happen)?
We ............(walk) through the woods when we............(hear) someone scream.

zad 2
Skreśl który czasownik nie pasuje
1.Susan was driving / drove to work when she was getting / got a flat tyre
2. He was leaving / left work and was going / went straight to the train station
3.She was walking / walked in the park when a dog was attacking / attacked her
4. I was riding / rode my bike in the park when it was stsrting / started to rain.
5. It was snowing / snowed all day yesterday so we were not playing / did not play outside
6. She was making / made breakfast for her family when a neighbour knocked at the door.

zad3 które słowo jest zły A czy B w zdaniu popraw je

a) Petre was studying (A when) his sister (B was listening)to music

b) Laura (A was opening) then door and (B walked) into the house

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 1 0

    1.What happened to you? I fell off the ladder while
    I was cleaning the windows.

    2. Where were you yesterday afternoon? I was calling you but there was no answer.

    3.I. was at home but you probably rung me while I was cutting the grass outside in the garden. Why?
    I had nothing to do so I was thinking we could go to the cinema.

    4. There was a power cut last night
    Yes, I know I was surfing the Net when the lights went out.

    5. So what happened?
    We were walking through the woods when we heard someone scream.

    zad 2

    1.Susan was driving to work when she got a flat tyre
    2. He left work and was going straight to the train station
    3.She was walking in the park when a dog attacked her
    4. I was riding my bike in the park when it started to rain.
    5. It was snowing all day yesterday so we did not play outside
    6. She was making breakfast for her family when a neighbour knocked at the door.

    zad3 które słowo jest zły A czy B w zdaniu popraw je

    a) Petre was studying (A when) his sister (B was listening)to music
    A. while

    b) Laura (A was opening) then door and (B walked) into the house
    A. opened


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