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Anglik. Na środę proszę ,szybko.
Would you like to celebrate Halloween on Poland?
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olinkowa249 Szybko !!!! Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 5 rozwiązań autor: olinkowa249 8.4.2010 (18:38)
olinkowa249 opis tygrysa po angielsku i polsku szybko !!!!!!! Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 1 rozwiązanie autor: olinkowa249 8.4.2010 (18:37)
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What we know as Halloween today, began hundreds of years ago as a Celtic celebration. The Celts lived in the lands we now know as England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. They believed that the Gods told the sun to disappear from the earth in the fall, thus killing their crops and causing cold weather. To calm the Gods, the Celts built bon-fires and dressed up in animal costumes....

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This holiday has accually its origins in Celt religion. One of the stories says, that over 2 000 yerars ago, the Celts celebrated a holiday called Samhain. Samhain was the name of the God of Death.On the last day of October the God Samhain allowed the souls to visit the homes they once lived in. On that night Celts left their homes and gathered together in a field. There they built a...

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