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PILNEEEE.!! Proszę pomocy..!! Opisz plemię indiańskie o nazwie Apacze.. Proszę o pomoc sama sobie nie mogę poradzić mam nadzieje że ktoś mi pomoże

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    Apache-ethnic team of North American Indians, probably related with Atabaskami, inhabiting reserves in the states of Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma.
    Name Apaches comprises at least eight strains, among which the most famous strains were the Kiowa, Mescalero, Jicarilla, and Chiricahua. Several of them, including the Chiricahua, described as the White Mountain Apaches. One particularly troublesome strain for white settlers in Texas, wore called Lipan.
    Significant was their way of settlement. When built wickiup, usually lined them in the center of the camp and spent for women, children and old people. Warriors put up their booths around the camp, creating a kind of "defensive wall" for the entire community Hailing from the far north of the continent, and then wandering the Great Plains to the south Apaches arrived in the South West around 1500 AD and - other than relatives Nawahowie - other nomadic people. Apaches themselves - like most Indians - believe that these areas were "always". Their creation legend has it that the Great Creator Ulzen (or Usenet) sent to Earth Ga'an (Dancing Crow or Mountain Spirit) as a guide and teacher of the people who inhabited these lands.
    They were then hunting (including hunting of bison), and a primitive agriculture, but became known primarily as warriors. The name comes from the Apache and Zuni means enemy or brave men. Apache undeservedly bad reputation was immortalized in the world by calling them thugs known as the Paris Apaches were organized in matrilineal groups economically independent. After the start of the colonization of America by Europeans distinguished themselves fighting with the Spaniards first, and then the Mexicans and Americans. The culmination of battles in the years of forced evictions (1848-1886), when the chiefs Cochise and Geronimo were. Apache War period of the white and the tribe of nomadic way of life ended with the surrender of Geronimo (1886). Began a difficult period of adaptation to new conditions of life on reservations, the disintegration of traditional structures and most of the Apaches asymilacji.Obecnie of 9 groups (including the largest: White Mountain Apache and San Carlos Apache) reserves and their lives around in the states of Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma. Like all native Americans participate fully in the social life of the country, bearing in mind also about their own identity and roots.
    Today Apaches living conditions are gradually improving, although still struggling with many social and cultural issues. Different tribes have their own local government (tribal council), care about the traditional culture and natural resources (see San Francisco Peaks), also using them to conduct their own business. For example, Apache Jicarilla's Fish and Wildlife Management Program is one of the best in the country's wildlife conservation programs and the organization of hunting and fishing, which every year uses a lot of Americans. Apache Tribe owns Mascalero high ski station and the San Carlos Apaches organize commercial hunting expeditions and wędkarskie.Według U.S. Census Bureau data, the census in 2000, 57 060 U.S. citizens declared that Apache is the only origin, while 96 833 - exclusively or among other things Apache. In addition, a total of 500 identified themselves as exclusively or Choctaw-Apache Mohave-Apache only.


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