Treść zadania


Uzupełnij zdania do krzyżówki:

1. When there's no answer, you can't get _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
2. You absolutely can't do this = you _ _ _ _ _ _ do it.
3. What time? _ _ _ _
4. You can't receive calls if you haven't got this. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. The week before this one was _ _ _ _ week.
6. Famous Polish composer. _ _ _ _ _ _
7. If you don't want to spek, you can send a _ _ _ _
8. A queen in ancient Britain. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9. You usually get this when you finish university. _ _ _ _ _ _
10. Someone from Los Angeles is North _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11. The nationality of someone from the Natherlands. _ _ _ _ _
12. The past simple of worry. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Dam naj < 33

ραυℓα < 33

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