Treść zadania


hej mogłby ktos zrobic te zadania chciałabym sprawdzic czy mam dobrze zrobione z góry dzięki :)

1.wstaw czasowniki w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie czasu Present Simple lub Present Continous

Hello Ruth!
I 'm having (have) a great time here...It's really hot! My Spanish lessons _______(go) well, and Andrea, my teacher, _______(seem) really nice. I __________(understand) quite a lot now and I ________ (think) is't a helpful that I ___________(study) here rather than at school back home. Apart from that I _________(enjoy) meself very much .The area we ______________(stay)
in is rather tempting as there're so many posh shops and restaurants around... I ______________(not have to) get up early,which is great when tasting the nightlife .You know me, I __________(like) partying.
Anyway I___________(need) to go. Hope you're well and it's not too cold back at home! Keep in touch!

Lisa XXX

2.Przetłumacz podane fragmenty zdań na język angielski

a)Tom says he can speak German,English and Spanish but I Don 't believe ( nie wierzę ) him.
He _______________________ ( nigdy nie rozmawia) to Carmela whan ______________________( ona przyjeźdza ) to visit us durning the summer.
b)________________(nie sądzę ) they ___________(potrzebują) our help. Let's leave them alone- they're doing fine .
c) Listen to that ! They _______________(kłócą się ) again ! ________________( Wydaje się) like they ____________(mają ) a big argument every other day.
d)Barbara ____________(mieszka) in this area until she can find a flat some where else.
_____________(nie podobają się jej ) it here -noisy,dirty and she __________(nie czuje się )safe.
e) Stop it! ___________(Robisz) so much moise and your father ____________(próbuje ) to contretate.These Young people nowadays !
_______________(stają się) more and more disrespectful!

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 1 0

    are going
    am studying
    am enjoying
    are staying
    don't have to

    never talks
    she arrives
    I don't think
    are arguing
    It seems
    She doesn't like
    doesn't feel
    You're doing
    is trying
    They're getting


  • userphoto

    having a great time
    are going
    am studying
    am enjoying
    are staying
    don't have to

    never talks
    she arrives
    I don't think
    are arguing
    It seems
    She doesn't like
    doesn't feel
    You're doing
    is trying
    They're getting

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