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znajdz 7 przymiotnikow zad 3 str 4 a nie chce mi sie przepisywac bo to duzo bo w tabeli
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Przydatność 85% A film review - "Seven"

Gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, wrath, pride and lust - these are the seven deadly sins that are being punished with cruelty by an enigmatic killer in David Fincher's thriller SEVEN. The director doesn't want his audience to be comfortable for a moment while watching "Seven". Shaky camera shots, dark sets and disturbing script that takes its characters to the extremes of emotion all contribute to...

Przydatność 85% Imiesłowy przymiotnikowe i przysłówkowe

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Przydatność 65% The more we have, the more we want

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Przydatność 50% Men become more and more like women

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