Treść zadania


1) Writte the correct heading (1-4) above each set of sentences (a-d). Then rewritte the sentences/questions using the prompts in brackets.

1)Giving/asking for advice
4)Asking for information/clarification

1) What's the problem? (bothering)
2) Could you tell me more about this? (I'd like)
3) What exactly do I have to do in this job? (involve)

1) I suggest you contact a helpline. (were)
2) Why don't you tell the truth? (should)
3) What can I do in this situation? (idea)

1) You've had a terrible time. (poor)
2) That's terrible! (sorry to hear)
3) This sounds dreadful! (how)

1) You know you can rely on me. (count)
2) Don't give up hope. (musn't)
3) Everything will be fine. (work out)

2) Write short dialogues withe the expressions from activity 5.
1) Your friend is addicted to computer games. He's asking you for advice. You give him some suggestions and reassure that everything will be OK.

2) Your parents don't allow you to go to a tanning salon any more. Ask ypur friend for advice.

3) Your friend's sister has had a serious car accident and is in hospital. Sympathise with your friend and tell her she can always come to you for help.

3) Complete the gaps with the correct words.
1) I think.../ In my____,.../____my view,...
2) As___ as I can see...
3) As far as I am___,...
4) I ___ disagree with this statement/opinion because...
5) I couldn't agree___ with this statement/ opinoin beacuese...
6) This statement is only___ true because...
7) I'm not ___ how I feel about this.
8) On the ___ hand,.../On the__ hand,...
9) This statement's very___ because...
10) I am writing to___ my disagreement with...
11) I look___ to reading other people's opinions on this issue.

4) Read the statements and express your opinions. Use at least three expressions from activity 8 for each statement.
1) Computer games are addictive so teenagers shouldn't play them.

2) Young people have no idea what is and what isn't healthy.

3) All teenage parties are about binge drinking and taking drugs.

4) Teenagers who have addictions should stay in rehab clinics until they are fully cured.

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