Treść zadania


DAM NAJ!. na zadanie mamy napisać jak spędziłam wakacje po angielsku :). Nie mam pojęcia jak to napisać więc proszę o pomoc, w przetłumaczeniu : W wakacje pojechałam w góry z rodziną. Spędziliśmy tam dwa tygodnie. Kiedy wróciłam pojechałam odwiedzić siostrę. W sierpniu byłam cały czas w domu. Spotykałam się z przyjaciółmi

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    I spent my last holiday in the Tatra Mountains. I went there with my friends Ela and Andrzej. We got to Zakopane by car. We lived at a boarding house very near the centre of Zakopane, and spent nearly all of our time in the mountains hiking, getting up early in the morning and going hiking right after breakfast. We usually came back late - generally around 7PM, and then had dinner. The first day we were so tired that we did not get to go to the mountains but just went for a walk along Krupówki. On the second day (on Tuesday) we went to Kościelec, which is located at an altitude of 2155 m a.s.l., and then on Wednesday, we visited the Kościeliska Valley. On the fourth day we went on a trip to Tatralandia, which is an aqua park located in Slovakia. During our five-hour stay we rode the slides, swam in the pools and suntanned. On Friday we climbed Rysy. This is a mountain with its highest peak at 2503 m a.s.l. The route was quite long, tiring and a little dangerous but great satisfaction was our reward for the climb. The view was magnificent and that is why I took quite a few pictures. On Saturday morning, we left the mountains and came back home.


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