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    My house is small. There are two rooms, bathroom, and kitchen. In bedroom there is standing bed, and wardrobe. The lamps there are standing on the table. In the living room there is carpet and sofa. Pictures there are changing on the wall.In the Kitchen there are fridge, shelves and clock:)In bathroom there are shower and shelves and flowers.


  • mirkaj1

    I live in an apartment, which consists of four rooms.

    Dining room and 2 bathrooms and kitchen.

    My room is at the end of the hall on the right.

    In my room has a bed, a desk on which stands my computer, is also

    wardrobe with my clothes.

    Small round table and two small armchairs and a bookcase with books.

    The floor is blue carpet.

    There is also a large window on which they stand colorful flowers.

    On the bed lies a lot of pillows in different colors well, and my favorite mascot.

    Next to my room is a room of my younger brother and my bedroom

    parents and living room.

    In addition to living room are two bathrooms and kitchen and dining room.

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