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In his later years, Ludwig became more and more eccentric and unhappy . He dad arguments with his friends and he had strange habits - for example , he washed himself several times a day but wore dirty clothes. Ludwig went completely deaf but amazingly , he finished his last symphony. His health got worse and he finally died in March 1827.

Ludwig van Beethowen was born in Bonn, Germany, in 1770. He could play the violin and piano at the age of five. When he was seventeen , his mother died. His father was an alcoholic so Ludwig had to look after his two younger brothers. He gave music lessons to earn money.

Beethoven was an important link between the classical and romantic periods of music and was one of the greatest composers ever. Nearly two hundread years after his death, his music is still played and listened to every day.

In 1972, Ludwig moved to Vienna and became a famous pianist . while he was living there, he began too compose his first symphonies and piano sonatas. Then , when he was in his mid-twenties , he started to go deaf . He was very depressed but continued composing symphonies and he wrote six more before the age of forty during his life., Ludwig fell in love several times with aristocratic women but they all turned him down . He never married.

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