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potrzebuje opis świata w 2050r po angielsku. z waszego punktu widzenia
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    Alterglobaliści się nie mylą – lepszy świat jest możliwy. Dowód przynosi niedzielne wydanie The Independent, w którym jest bardzo ciekawy tekst o prognozie na przyszłość, czyli najnowszym raporcie 2008 – State of the Future.

    Ten raport to dzieło 2,5 tysiąca ekspertów, którzy zebrali dane z większości istotnych instytucji (ONZ, ale też US Army, czy Rockefeller Foundation), skonfrontowali je z najnowszymi trendami, zamieszali, wstrząsnęli i postawili diagnozę dla globu. Piękna futurologia, trochę wróżenie z fusów – ale analiza
    raczej rzetelna. Więcej o raporcie i poprzednie jego edycje są tutaj.
    Z raportu płyną trzy ważne wnioski.
    Po pierwsze, świat jest znacznie lepszym miejscem niż jeszcze 50 lat temu.
    Po drugie, dziś świat stoi na progu tego, co w raporcie autorzy nazywają serią „tipping points”, punktów zwrotnych. To kwestia poradzenia sobie z globalnym ociepleniem, stworzenia lepszych warunków rozwoju dla najuboższych, wykorzystania technologii do jeszcze lepszej komunikacji.

    To znaczy, że mamy WIELKĄ szanse na rozwój, i przy obecnym potencjale ludzkości, za pięćdziesiąt lat możemy mieszkać w miejscu o niebo lepszym.

    Ale po trzecie – jeśli się nie postaramy i spieprzymy tę szansę, to drugiej prawdopodobnie nie dostaniemy. Jak wynika z raportu, rządy państw nie są świadome tego zagrożenia, bo nie planują w takim horyzoncie jak 50 lat.

    Główne zagrożenia: nierówności, przemoc, degradacja środowiska. „Połowa świata jest podatna na niepokoje społeczne i konflikty z powodu rosnących cen żywności, niewydolności instytucji państwa, opadającego poziomu słodkiej wody, zmian klimatycznych, pustynnienia, migracji.”
    Za 30 lat będzie potrzeba nam dwa razy tyle żywności, co dziś i parę razy więcej energii. Co drugi człowiek na planecie (3 miliardy!) żyją za mniej niż dolara dziennie. To będzie powodem wojen, jeśli nie rozwiążemy problemu nędzy – piszą eksperci.

    Szanse: Mamy w ręku wszystko, co niezbędne do stworzenia lepszego świata – poprawiającą się łączność (internet, komórki, coraz bardziej dostępne podróże), rosnącą zamożność, nowe technologie przyjazne środowisku. Jesteśmy pierwszym pokoleniem, które może realnie jako globalna społeczność wpłynąć na losy świata, właśnie dzięki współpracy w sieci – piszą autorzy.
    Tutaj film z Ghany o tym, jak internet zmienia Ghanę - namacalny przykład, że to co napisano, to nie chore rojenia idealistów. Uwaga! To prawie 12 minut, ale bardzo ciekawego reportażu - warto.

    Italiano no mistake - a better world is possible. Proof brings Sunday edition of The Independent, which is a very interesting text about the forecast for the future, namely its latest report, 2008 - State of the Future.

    This report is the work of 2.5 thousand experts, who gathered the data from most major institutions (the UN, but also the U.S. Army, and the Rockefeller Foundation), confronted them with the latest trends, confusion, shake and put the diagnosis of the globe. Beautiful futurism, a little divination with tea leaves - but rather a reliable analysis. For more information on his report and previous editions here.

    The flow of the report, three important conclusions.

    First, the world is a much better place than it was 50 years ago.

    Secondly, today the world stands on the threshold of what the authors call the report a series of "Tipping Points" turning points. Include the question of how to deal with global warming, to create better conditions for the development of the poorest, the use of technology to even better communication.

    This means that we have a great opportunity to develop, and the current potential of humanity, for fifty years we live in a place with the sky better.

    But thirdly - if you do not try and spieprzymy this opportunity, it probably will not get the second. As is clear from the report, governments are not aware of this risk, because I do not plan on the horizon such as 50 years.

    Main threats: inequality, violence, environmental degradation. "Half the world is vulnerable to social unrest and conflicts due to rising food prices, failure of state institutions, falling levels of fresh water, climate change, desertification, migration."
    For 30 years we will need twice as much food as today and a couple of times more energy. Every second man on the planet (3 billion!) Live on less than a dollar a day. It will be a reason for war, if we do not solve the problem of poverty - Learn from the experts.

    Opportunities: We have in hand all that is necessary for a better world - improving the communications (internet, mobile, more and more accessible travel), increasing wealth, a new environmentally friendly technologies. We are the first generation that can realistically as a global community to affect the fate of the world, thanks to networking - write the authors.
    Here a video of Ghana about how the Internet changes Ghana - tangible instance, that what is written, it's not sick dreams of idealists. Attention! It's almost 12 minutes, but very interesting reportage - is worth it.

    What the world is beautiful! No ... this is a trivial word to define what I feel at this moment! I'm probably the luckiest person on Earth, and perhaps only so it seems to me, yet are still millions of people who at this very moment may feel the same. Today, a miracle occurred, again in my life. When I look back on it, it seems to me that the world, that our lives, that Poland is my beloved country have changed over the past 50 years, day by day. I know that my country and the people living there will never be perfect. So by the end of a great and well will be only in Heaven.
    When I woke up this morning, I saw something incredible. Woods, who until yesterday had only the dry branches, and buds are barely visible, were all green, as if someone, covered them all the green jacket. I love when the seasons change. Even if there are four that you never know who is the fairest. Every day I thank God for the gift of seeing what he gives us. What would happen if I had to live in some other country where there is no seasons. It's so ridiculous to worry about such things at my age. Finally, today is my 66 birthday!

    It's nothing, even when I'm finished 100 years, so I will enjoy every moment.
    It was difficult to live that way constantly laughing when sometimes you did was not amused. Looked out over these suffering people, and although they could offer so much, your smile, a warm word and prayer. Fortunately, the bad days have already passed into history. Perhaps only for a moment, maybe those days will return again. People suffered too much to again commit the same mistakes. I believe that will not allow another war. Now everyone lives like better, but everyone believed that one day will be better. We managed to overcome their own pride and prejudices. The enemy gave his hand to the enemy and there is no wall between them, now they are brothers. Others say that again, you are someone who has everything breaks down, destroys, squat, and then again the evil reign. I believe that good will prevail, God will not allow the world he created, has become a dumping ground! So it was, I remember .... man towered over money, wealth, all we wanted to .... me too ... one day. I do not want to go back, I am ashamed of that. It passed at least partially.

    How beautiful the sun is shining! I've been to many interesting places and countries, but only here really feels like home. Here I am free. Well, that amidst this chaos with computers, expeditions into space, a car that drives itself, and finally to the first Olympics in Poland has been in place touched my beloved tree. Same as old as I am. Well, that are in place and already suffered from contamination of air and water. But scientists are working on it. Today everything is computerized in the literal meaning of the word. , I had 15 years ago, lost its way, what is new and old among the machines that are working for the man. Next week a group of my old friends going with scholars from around the world on a trip. Only purpose of their journey is very fascinating - the moon. It is a pity that it will not be able to be on my birthday, they must be prepared. Joked to myself that I will bring a little piece of my favorite "night lights". As this goes on, it's our moon is not. What a confusion in the end only my birthday!? But in the depths of myself unless I like it, then we can all be together, enjoy yourself and have fun. I hope that comes my old friend from high school. I just returned from a family home. For the Polish. I knew ... I knew that he would return. It has provided me his youngest daughter, who will participate in the summer Olympics. I am proud that I am a Pole! I've reached, the one of my dreams have been fulfilled. In the summer of Poland for two weeks will be at the center of the whole world! Were needed for this huge funds and this seemed impossible. But when a group of people for something it wants very much possible that it will reach. Only if we reach for things and dreams seemingly unrealistic, they will meet. One has to set the bar high and even if we did not make it przeskoczyć and so achieve a good result.

    Many in the pinned above all hopes of capturing the huge money, but that's not all. Summer Olympic Games first held in Poland! That is, we are strong and organized a nation and not afraid to make such a challenge! I liked the speech of one of the organizers. I heard also about the many protests on the subject, but they change their mind when the Olympic torch will be lit. This will be an event of the year! Already I can not wait. Everyone laughs that I experience it as a small child. It is difficult so I am already. People come from all over the world and I hope that does not fail on us. Immediately see changes.

    I never wanted to have anything to do with politics, but I do not know how it happened that I had. I always talked a little on the social, economic and, of course, ended at the end of the policy. Apparently, everything revolves around her. All the pessimists were so surprised when it all began in the country to fall into place. Poland needed a mentally strong and fair. The most important was the confidence entrusted in the hands of Polish clean and strong. Taken up the right decisions, and the effects of their work can be seen today. All the improvements of the "one hundred thousand" times of the reform now seem to be really needed. Works great. This year, when every week held protests, strikes, demonstrations passed. We understood that all this comes to us only for good. And so it happened. Our earnings are not top of their dreams, because man is only human, will always feel unsatisfied. But money is a very delicate matter, now is the right time.

    On holidays, I went on a trip to Poland. I like to travel by train, it's a bit old-fashioned as some people say, but then back memories that had the teen years. As I was driving myself one day, reminded me of my "youthful" travel. The conditions under which time travel. I wanted to laugh, because I was sitting in the tidy, single seat, and the window could see the pure forests. When I was 16 there were no such conveniences it was dirty and unpleasant. Everywhere I looked in some papers, cigarette butts. Today, clean, and nicely pachnąco. I do not remember the last time I saw someone smoking cigarettes! This is a huge shame, and probably "came out of fashion." Besides, more people care about their health. Life and living is the most important thing! Crazies always remain, and probably did not get rid of accidents. But their numbers from year to year decreases, because the times have made a special alert system in cars, but tell me this is my 7 year old nephew, a little brat knows more than me.

    Poland has become a safe country. I am glad that he had lived such a home. On the occasion of birthdays, I'll probably have to write my thoughts. Everything that is important and what is less, for future generations, humanity and eternity. For memories to be something important which returns in difficult moments, like the sun after the storm. To truly took care of his land. Let them know how it was, let him respect as today we Poles 2050.

    I write to know how to love her as I now.


  • userphoto

    Naukowcy próbują przewidzieć, Jak Bedzie wyglądał Świat W 2050 r. i Na Tych podstawie prognoz wybrać najkorzystniejsze DLA Europy Drogi Rozwoju. Naukowcy z PAN rozmawiali W Warszawie o wyzwaniach Lat nadchodzących. W czerwcu 2006 Roku postanowiła Najwyższej unii Europejskiej, Komisja Europejska Ze my Współpracy z krajami członkowskimi określi Wizje perspektywie wagowych Europy 2050 Roku. W Polsce W styczniu 2007 PAN-owski Komitet Prognoz "Polska 2000 Plus" rozpoczął Prace nad Wizja Polski do 2050 Roku. Tych Wynikiem praktyk opracowanie żartem wstępnej Analizy przedstawiającej szanse i zagrożenia DLA Europy Rozwoju i Polski.

  • userphoto

    Alterglobaliści się nie mylą – lepszy świat jest możliwy. Dowód przynosi niedzielne wydanie The Independent, w którym jest bardzo ciekawy tekst o prognozie na przyszłość, czyli najnowszym raporcie 2008 – State of the Future.

    Ten raport to dzieło 2,5 tysiąca ekspertów, którzy zebrali dane z większości istotnych instytucji (ONZ, ale też US Army, czy Rockefeller Foundation), skonfrontowali je z najnowszymi trendami, zamieszali, wstrząsnęli i postawili diagnozę dla globu. Piękna futurologia, trochę wróżenie z fusów – ale analiza
    raczej rzetelna. Więcej o raporcie i poprzednie jego edycje są tutaj.
    Z raportu płyną trzy ważne wnioski.
    Po pierwsze, świat jest znacznie lepszym miejscem niż jeszcze 50 lat temu.
    Po drugie, dziś świat stoi na progu tego, co w raporcie autorzy nazywają serią „tipping points”, punktów zwrotnych. To kwestia poradzenia sobie z globalnym ociepleniem, stworzenia lepszych warunków rozwoju dla najuboższych, wykorzystania technologii do jeszcze lepszej komunikacji.


    Italiano no mistake - a better world is possible. Evidence brings Sunday edition, The Independent, which is very interesting text about the forecast for the future, a latest report, 2008 - State of the Future. This report is the work of 2.5 thousand experts, who gathered the data from most major institutions (UN, but also U.S. Army, and the Rockefeller Foundation), confronted them with the latest trends, confusion, shake and put the diagnosis of the globe. Beautiful futurism, a little divination with tea leaves - but rather a reliable analysis. More about the report and previous editions here. According to the report, three important conclusions flowing. Firstly, the world is a much better place than it was 50 years ago. Secondly, today the world stands on the threshold of what the authors call the report a series of "tipping points "turning points. Include the question of how to deal with global warming, creating better conditions for the development of the poorest, the use of technology to even better communication.

  • Escritora

    Moim zdaniem świat w 2050 roku będzie bardzo zaniedbany.
    Niebo zasłoni się srebrzysto-szarą smugą dymu i chemikaliów, która delikatnie ale widocznie przysłoni słońce.
    Rośliny z każdym dniem będą coraz bardziej zniszczone, a zwierzęta smutne i znudzone życiem. Podobnie będzie z nami, ludźmi. Będziemy załować tego co zrobiliśmy ze światem. Że nie segregowaliśmy śmieci, używaliśmy sztucznych nawozów itd.

    In my view the world in 2050 will be very neglected.
    Heaven shield is silver-gray streak of smoke and chemicals, which gently but apparently obscure the sun.
    Plants with every day are increasingly destroyed, and the animals sad and bored with life. The same will be with us, human beings. We will regret what we did with the world. That does not segregowaliśmy garbage, we used artificial fertilizers, etc.

    Liuczę na to, że także wypowiesz się w moim zadaniu.

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