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NApisać min 8 zdań na temat sport activity. Prosze o pomoc.

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    People do sport all over the world. It became an indispensable part of our life. We do it consciously and even subconsciously. When we go cycling we do it consciously because we have decided to do it. However, when we go shopping, we do sport subconsciously because we are not focused on the fact that we are moving from 1 place to another. Instead, we are focused on the shopping that has to be done. The conscious action SHOPPING covers or hides the subconscious action MOVING. When we go to school, we don ' t think that we practise walking at that moment because we are focused on our goal. Anyway, sport is an activity and every activity requires providing food. When we do something, even mentally, our body and brain needs energy which is included in food. In this case, a well- balanced diet is crucial. We have to eat to provide energy for our body.


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pyrciaa (50-80 słów) Czy uprawiasz jakiś sport? Jaki sport jest najbardziej Przedmiot: Język angielski / Liceum 1 rozwiązanie autor: pyrciaa 16.2.2011 (17:58)
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