Treść zadania


Napisz list po angielsku :

Znajoma Australijka chce abyś przyjechała do niej na wakacje, ty nie chcesz jechac.
* podziękuj za zaproszenie i grzecznie odmów
* podasz 2 powody ze nie możesz przyjecha
*napisz jakie masz plany na wakacje oraz z kim je zamierzasz spędzic
* podaj swój nowy adres e-mail i poproś aby nie przesyłała zbyt duzych wiadomości np, zdjęc

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

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    Hi Megan,

    Thanks for your invitation. You know how much I like travelling. However, I am afraid I can ' t visit you in Australia.

    Firstly, I won ' t have free time because I am going to work during holidays.I need money to pay for a driving licence course. Secondly, I am going to visit the dentist regularly during holidays because my teeth have deteriorated recently. I can ' t kiss my boyfriend due to teeth decay. It 's so humilitating.

    As far as holidays are concerned, I was offered a summer job in the cafe. I am going to gain experience as a waitress and if I manage to do it well, they may give me a steady job after holidays. Obviously, I will spend the holidays with my family and my boyfriend.

    Here is my new e-mail address: Please, don ' t send me too big messages including such files enclosed as photos. I have a slow internet connection. It would take me hours to download big files.




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