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Podobne materiały

Przydatność 100% Compusolary Military Serwice

Compulsory military service. The problem of conscription has always been a controversial issue. Some people strongly support the idea while others are definitely against it. Supporters of compulsory military service believe that is a good school of life for young people. They claim that it provides young man with very useful experience and...

Przydatność 100% Compulsive military service - an essay

Since very old times many young men has to face this problem. However, nobody really cares about changing it. One can say that mandatory military service is aimless. And he is right - we have less and less wars, and the real forces are well-trained, small troops consisting of people whose whole life is fighting, not skinny, humpbacked fellow suffering of asthma. Second issue is, ofcourse,...

Przydatność 65% Compulsory military service should be abolished in all countries

The problem of conscription has always been a controversial issue. However, many opponents of compulsory military service maintain that conscription does more harm than good and that it should be abolished for professional, personal, psychological and economical reasons. The first argument against conscription is that it is, in fact, unnecessary in the modern world. Nowadays most...

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