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Zadanie 2 str 47 Podręcznik " Connections 2 Elementary " - Answer the questions :

1. Why did Karina's dad go crazy ?
2. Can karina meet Rocco this month ?
3. Where was Boudicca a queen ?
4. Why did Boudicca attack the Romans ?
5. What was Boudicca like ?
6. What did she do before every battle
7. Did Boudicca win ?
8. How did she die ?
9. What's interesting about King's Corss station ?

Tekst :

Rocco : Hey, nice kair !
Karina : Thanks. But my dad hates it. He went crazy when he saw it. He saif I'm a teenage rebel and now I'm not allowed out for a month
Rocco: A month ! Thas is bad. How can we meet ?
Mr Lewis : Pay attention, please, Karina ! Today's lesson is about Boudicca - a famous queen who fought the Romas in 61 AD. She was a redhead, just like you ...

Opowiadanie :

Boudicca lived nearly tho thousand years ago, in Ancient Britain. She marriens a kin and become Queen of the Iceni, a tribe from East Anglia. But life wasn't easy, because in 43 AD the Romans wanted his land. But Boudicca didn't want to give it to the Romans ! So they attacked her and her daughters. Boudicca was very angry, and she decided to fight. Shhe built a big army od Iceni soldiers and attacked Roman towns. She burned down thre towns, and killed thousands of Romans.

Boudicca was a very scary soldier queen ! She was tall, and she had long red hair and a very loud voice Before every battle she painted her face and nails with blueberry juice, to scare the Romans ! But the Romans had a huge arnmy, and they defeated the rebel queen. In Boudicca's last battle, the Romans killed 80,000 Iceni. Only 400 Romans died. After this the proud queen decided to end her life. She drank poison and killed herself.

Nobody is sure where her body lies, but it is probably inder Platform 8 in London's King's Crosss Stadion ...

Powrót do klasy :

Rocco: I guess you're a red-headed rebel like Boudicca. I like rebels.

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    1. Why did Karina's dad go crazy ?
    Karina’s dad went crazy because she dyed her hair red.

    2. Can karina meet Rocco this month ?
    No, she can’t. She is not allowed to go out for a month.

    3. Where was Boudicca a queen ?
    Boudicca was a queen in Ancient Britain.

    4. Why did Boudicca attack the Romans ?
    Boudicca attacked the Romans because they had attacked her and her daughters first.

    5. What was Boudicca like ?
    Boudicca was tall, had long red hair and a very loud voice. She was a very scary soldier queen.

    6. What did she do before every battle
    She painted her face and nails with blueberry juice to scare the Romans.

    7. Did Boudicca win ?
    No, she didn’t. Because the Romans had a huge army and they defeated the queen.

    8. How did she die ?
    She decided to end her life, so she drank poison and killed herself.

    9. What's interesting about King's Cross station ?
    The queen’s body probably lies under Platform 8 in London's King's Cross Stadion .


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