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Przydatność 65% The person I admired most.

The person I admire most is John Paul II. He is pope from the 16th of October 1978. I like him very much although he is old his mind is clear. He had difficult live and he had many complicated operations. He of average height, and he is of medium build. He has got very short grey hairs His face is oval and forehead high. He has got long eyebrows. He has got small, brown eyes and flat, small...

Przydatność 100% Most Interesting games

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Przydatność 100% My most terrific night

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Przydatność 75% Person I admire the most

The person I admire the most is Jan Paweł II his real name Karol Wojtyła. When He was young He lived in Wadowice where He was born, next He moved to Cracow where he was studying at Jagielonski University next in October 1979 he went to Vatican and there he was selected pope on 16th of October 1978. He was one of the most important people all over the world. During the second world war He...

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