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Przydatność 50% Jargon - Chat Francofun

Voici une liste des abrviations les plus souvent utilises sur le chat: @+ plus tard alp la prochaine ! arf ! et doh ! exprime un tonnement ! A/S/V age/sexe/ville ASAP As Soon As Possible (ds que possible) Away absent, au loin BRB Be Right Back (je reviens) BTW By The Way ( propos) Ciao et Tchao au revoir Fiuuuuuu tonnement GT Get Together (une...

Przydatność 100% My room

My room is of medium size and cosy. The walls are patterned to the door. There is a window opposite to the door. I don’t have curtains but I have a blue roller blind. In my room there is a blue carpet. On the right of the door there is a bed with a blue and yellow blanket. There is a map on the wall. There is a noticeboard above the bed. On the left of the door there is a wardrobe. My...

Przydatność 100% My room

When you enter my room the first thing you can seen on the left of the door, in a center of the wall, above the bed is a huge poster of Bernard Show’s play, which is often played in Poland. It’s two weeks since I last saw it and I’m really looking forward to seeing it again. Some people likes listening to Britney Spears but I prefer watching Bernard Show’s plays because I keen on it,...

Przydatność 100% My room

My room I live in a big 2- storied house. I have my own room. It is on the first floor. My favorite colour is blue so the walls in my room are all in this colour. I have two desks. The first is made of pine in beautiful brown colour. There are school books, lamp and a world map pad on it. The lamp is in the left hand corner but the books are on the right side of the desk. There are...

Przydatność 50% My room

My room ^_^ I live in an old tenement house on the ground floor in a very big, bright and cute room. The entrance is on the west side of the room. The door is painted pink and there are colorful flowers, but in my room I have pink walls with white bunnies. There’s a huge window in the east wall (if you look from the entrance) and it has flowers painted by me, but I have more flowers in my...

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