Treść zadania


Pilne na jutro !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zmień je na przeczące i pytające.

1. She is a girl.
2. He is a teacher.
3. It is a deer.
4. I am a boy .
5. She is a policewoman.
6. It is a giraffe.
7. I am a baker.
8. He is a man.
9. You are a child.
10. It is a box.

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 1 0

    1. She is a girl. Is she a girl? She is not a girl
    2. He is a teacher. Is he a teacher? He is not a teacher
    3. It is a deer. Is it a deer? It is not a deer
    4. I am a boy. Am I a boy? I am not a boy
    5. She is a policewoman. Is she a policewoman? She is not a policewoman
    6. It is a giraffe. Is it a giraffe? It is not a giraffe
    7. I am a baker. Am I a baker? I am not a baker
    8. He is a man. Is he a man? He is not a man
    9. You are a child. Are you a child? You are not a child
    10. It is a box. Is it a box? It is not a box


  • LucySmitten

    Pierwsze jest przeczące, drugie pytające.

    1. She is not a girl. / Is she a girl?
    2. He is not a teacher. / Is he a teacher?
    3. It is not a deer. / Is it a deer?
    4. I am not a boy / Aren't you a boy?
    5. She is not a policewoman / Is she a policewoman?
    6. It is not a giraffe/ Is it a giraffe?
    7. I am not a baker / Aren't you a baker?
    8. He is not a man / Is he a man?
    9. You are not a child / Are you a child?
    10. It is not a box/ Is it a box?

  • userphoto

    She isn't a girl.
    He isn't a teacher
    It isn't a deer.
    I am not a boy.
    She isn't a policewoman.
    It isn't a giraffe.
    I am not a baker.
    He isn't a man.
    You aren't a child
    It isn't a box.

  • userphoto

    1. She is not a girl. **** Is she a girl?
    2. He is not a teacher. **** Is he a teacher?
    3. It is not a deer. **** Is it a deer?
    4. I am not a boy **** Aren't you a boy?
    5. She is not a policewoman **** Is she a policewoman?
    6. It is not a giraffe **** Is it a giraffe?
    7. I am not a baker **** Aren't you a baker?
    8. He is not a man **** Is he a man?
    9. You are not a child **** Are you a child?
    10. It is not a box. **** Is it a box?

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