Treść zadania


przetłumacz w czasie present continus a twerdzenie b pytanie c przeczenie 1.anna gra traz na pianinie 2.on rozmawia teraz przez telefon 3. moj brat pracuje obecnie w szkole 4. on czeka teraz na autobus 5. oni ogladaja teraz film 6. my pojdziemy na spacer w ten weekend 7. ona wroci jutro 8. on je teraz obiad robimy zakupy 10. tomek sprząta teraz w swoim pokoju. ratunku!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    1.Anna is playing on the piano. Is Anna playing on the piano? No, she isn't.
    2.He is talking on the phone . Is he talking on the phone? No, he isn't.
    3. My brother is working in school . Is my brother working in school? No, he isn't.
    4.He is waiting for the bus . Is he waiting for the bus? No, he isn't.
    5.They are watching video. Are they watching video? No, they aren't.
    6.We are going to go for a walk this weekend. Are we going to go for a walk? No, we aren't.
    7.She is going to come back tomorrow. Is she going to come back tommorow? No, she isn't.
    8. He is eating dinner . Is he eating dinner? No, he isn't.
    9. We are do shopping. Are we do shopping? No, we aren't.
    10.Tomek is cleaning his room . Is Tomek cleaning his room ? No, he isn't.


  • agunia128

    1. Ann is playing the piano now. Is Ann playing the piano now? Ann isn't playing the piano now.
    2. He is phoning now. Is he phoning now? He isn't phoning now.
    3. My brother is working at school. Is my brother working at school? My brother isn't working at school now.
    4. He is waiting for the bus now. Is he waiting for the bus now? He isn't waiting for the bus now.
    5. They are watching film now. Are they watching film now? They aren't watching film now.
    6. We are going for walk at the weekend. Are we going for walk at the weekend? We aren't going for a walk at the weekend.
    7. She is coming back tomorrow at 8 o'clock. Is she coming back tomorrow at 8 o'clock? She isn't coming back tomorrow at 8 o'clock.
    8. He is having dinner now. Is he having dinner now? He isn't having dinner now.
    9. We are doing shopping . Are we doing shopping? We aren't doing shopping.
    10. Tom is tidying up his room now. Is Tom tidying up his room now? He isn't tidying up his room now.

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piotr1994_16 Czas Present Perfect....POMOCY Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 4 rozwiązania autor: piotr1994_16 30.5.2010 (11:36)
Ewa15v Present ,Coninous , simple Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 1 rozwiązanie autor: Ewa15v 5.6.2010 (19:32)

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