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    Once upon a time in a big city. Now is a year 3010. Everything is very modern. There are on Earth no trees and no flowers. Offices and houses are everywhere. People only work and work, they have no holidays. They don’t meet with friends because they don’t have ones.
    Robot Sam is the king of the World. He hasn’t got a heart and he hates people. According to him people can’t have children .Sam wants to destroy people.
    People can’t have children so soon they will not exist. Nobody remember s how life looked before Sam became king. He changes everything. People must marry robots. For example, the wife is a women and the husband is a robot. Sam said so so people must do it. But Sam hasn’t got a wife.
    Kate is a doctor and she hasn’t got husband. She hates Sam and his rules. Some day when she is at hospital a postman comes to her and gives her a letter. When she was reading the letter her face is white. Sam wants to marry her. After that Kate screams and cries.
    -I want to die! I hate you Sam- she says.
    Next day Sam like everyday is in his office. He drinks coffee and eats cakes .Suddenly Kate comes in and starts shouting .
    -If you think that I will be your wife you are wrong –says Kate
    -Good morning Kate. I see that you know everything about my idea .Isn’t it?-says Sam
    -I hate you. You are horrible and you haven’t got a heart .But it is normal ‘cos you’re not a human.
    Sam is angry and his face is red.
    -You will be my wife and that isn’t important for me what you think about it-says Sam
    Kate shuts the door and goes home .She is very unhappy and angry. Today is Friday and the wedding is on Sunday . She doesn’t know what to do .
    Next day when she was eating her breakfast a postman rings to the door. She stands up and open the door. The postman gives her a percel.She unpacks the percel. In her parcel is a wedding dress .It is very beautiful, long and white. She wares her new dress ,goes to a mirror .Suddenly comes in Kate’s maid.
    You look very beautiful Kate-says maid
    It is true. Kate looks very nice and she is the most beautiful bride on the World. In the same moment Sam is in his new house. He bought it for Kate. He is thinking about Kate. He reallyloves her but he can’t tell her it. According to him Kate hates him. He stop thinking ‘cos someone comes in. It is his servant .John gives Sam a suit. Sam wares it and goes to mirror.
    He looks very handsome. After that he calls Kate but he can’t say any word when he hears her voice. Sam and Kate don’t sleep this night. They think about their wedding.
    On Sunday Sam waits for Kate in church. The wedding is at 11 o’clock. now is 11.15 and Kate still isn’t in there church. Sam starts thinking that she will not come. But then Kate comes in. She looks beatiful and Sam is very proud of her. The priest is happy. Then
    Sam says
    -Kate ,please be my wife, I love you
    -Oh Sam do you really love me? I love you too.-says Kate
    Then Kate knows that Sam have got a heart and he isn’t a robot. Finally everything is good .
    People are happy. Sam doesn’t make new rules.


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