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Thank you very much for keeping responding to my letters. I really enjoy reading about your most often pretty curious and intriguing ideas.the pre-christmas season has begun , it finally started snowing , but it is not Christmas I would like to write with you this time. It is the often celebration following the christmas time that is more interesting for me . It is a New Year ! And to be more specific the New Years Resolutions we all like to make When the year begins. I always open the new year with my head full of different projects such as : wathing the weight , eating more healthy food, sleeping more ,reading more raluable books not just the orime stories etc. , but after all it is usually easier said than done , so in the end I generally barely can manage to full fill my resolutions ... What about you? Do you make any resolutions at all? Do you hawe any wotth trying ones?And do you have any idea how to keep to your resolutions for the upcoming year ? Im looking forward to your next letter .

Ps. Have a very merry , family and peaceful Christmas and a happy new 2011 Year !

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    thanks and a happy new york too. How is going at you? I'm fine. Iam on holiday now , on Kreta. It is a beautiful island. I live in my uncle's house on a farm, which is situated close to the sea. We go on the sea for swimming every day. The water in sea is warm. I help to feed sheeps and collect fruits. My cousine Tom take us on the trips in the mountains often.At nights we play volleyball, basketball or talk by the fire (?). Tomorrow we go to visit riuns of castle in Knossos. I spend this holiday with Kate, Jane and Tom. They are my cousines. Kate is 13 yeras old, she is shy and quiet. Jane is 17 years old and she is cheerful, sociable and talkative. Tom is 20 years old and he is witty and reliable. I spend with them wonderful time. The weather is fantastic. The sun is shining all the time. It is hot and stuffy. I wear light (cool) clothes. The most often I wear T-shirt and shorts. I come back Poland in a three weeks. Please, answer my letter.


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