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Przetłumacz na j . polski ! proosze !
With Christmas greetings and all good wishes for the New Year to you all !

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    Wesołcyh Świąt zielonej choinki i dużo szczęścia w nowym roku !!!

    Dasz naj ??


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    Ze świątecznymi pozdrowieniami i życzeniami na Nowy Rok dla was wszystkich...

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Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Born nearly two thousands years ago, Christians believe Him to be son of God. Whether Jesus was really born on December 25th , no one can say for certain. It was chosen because it already was a holiday in ancient times-a pagan feast. But pagans did not believe in Jesus. Around the third century there was an attempt to fix the day of His...

Przydatność 100% Christmas

The magic time before Christmas starts on 6th December. This is Santa Claus day. On this day Santa Claus comes to many houses and gives presents. But Santa Claus doesn’t give presents for “free” When you receive a present you must give something or do something in return. For example you must sing a song, jump on 1 leg or give sweets to Santa Claus. The next two weeks (7th- 23rd) is a...

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It is a very important day for Polish Christian people. The families meet at the table. They wish one another the best wishes like: good health, luck, big money etc. They decorate Christmas tree or pine tree with paper stars, angels, toys, nuts and glass balls. Under or on the Christmas tree there is small Crib-the symbol of the place in Bethlehem where Baby Jesus was born. In the Crib there...

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Christmas is the most important public holiday in Poland, the US and the UK, and takes place on around world. It is a Christian holiday, when the birth of Jesus is celebrated, but even people who are not Christian also celebrate. Christmas as one occasion to give presents and spend time with our families. In the week before Christmas the shops are very busy because many people traditionally...

Przydatność 65% Christmas

Christmas is one of the most important time of the year . I always spent Christmas with my parents , grandparents and sisters in our house . On the day before Christmas Eve we decorated the Christmas tree and whole house with coloured lights and baubles ( under the Christmas tree are many presents ) . We sent Christmas cards from family and...

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