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    1 Adam Mickiewicz urodził się w Zaosiu 24. XII. 1798. Studia filologii klasycznej, literatury polskiej i historii odbywał w Wilnie (15 - 19). Później był nauczycielem w szkole w Kownie. Za uczestnictwo w Towarzystwie filomatów został zesłany do Rosji, skąd powrócił w 1829 r.

    Na wiadomość o wybuchu powstania udał się do Wielkopolski, lecz musiał wrócić do Paryża. Tam poślubił Celinę Szymanowską. W 1839 r wyjechał, aby objąć na uniwersytecie Lozańskim Katedrę literatury Rzymskiej. Wrócił jednak do Paryża. W czasie Wiosny Ludów stworzył we Włoszech (48) ochotniczy legion polski.

    Założył i był redaktorem pisma "Trybuna Ludów". W 1855 r. W czasie wojny turecko - rosyjskiej organizował w turcji oddziały polskie. Tam zmarł na cholerę w Konstantynopolu.

    Oddziaływanie dorobku twórczego Mickiewicza wykroczyło poza sferę czysto poetycką. Wraz ze słowackim i Krasickim był uważany za wieszcza narodowego. Jasność odrazy poetyckiego oraz prostota języka czyniły jego dzieła dostępne dla ogółu czytelników. Klimat jego twórczości jest jednym z ogniw polskiej świadomości narodowej.

    Ukazanie się pierwszego tomu poezji "Ballady i romanse" uznaje się za początek epoki romantyzmu w Polsce.
    Do ważniejszych utworów Mickiewicza należą "Grażyna" (23) "Sonety Krymskie" i "Konrad Wallendorf" (26), "Dziady" a szczególnie część III (32) którą obok Ksiąg narodu Polskiego i pielgrzymstwa polskiego oraz "Pana Tadeusza" uznaje się za szczytowe osiągnięcie poety.

    2Bolesław Prus
    20 VIII 1847 - 19 V 1912

    Jego prawdziwe imię i nazwisko to Aleksander Głowacki. Zastąpił je pseudonimem, utworzonym od nazwy rodowego herbu. Mając w młodości plany kariery w dziedzinie nauk ścisłych, traktował swoje pierwsze humoreski prasowe jako niezbyt ambitną pracę zarobkową. Nazwiskiem Głowacki sygnował tylko poważne rozprawy. Później, gdy uznał swoją twórczość literacką za działalność równie pożyteczną jak zajęcia naukowe, nie zmieniał już przyzwyczajeń publiczności do pseudonimu i pozostał przy Prusie.

    Urodził się w Hrubieszowie na Lubelszczyźnie w rodzinie zarządcy prywatnych majątków ziemskich. Matka zmarła, gdy miał 3 lata a ojciec ok. roku 1856. Zaopiekowała się nim babka zamieszkała w Puławach, a po jej śmierci ciotka z Lublina. Naukę rozpoczął w Szkole Realnej w Lublinie, następnie przeniósł się do Siedlec i Kielc, gdzie mieszkał jego starszy brat Leon Głowacki - nauczyciel historii.W 1863 r. uciekł do oddziału powstańczego. Ranny podczas potyczki w pobliżu Siedlec - dostał się do niewoli rosyjskiej. Po kuracji w szpitalu pozwolono mu jako młodocianemu wrócić do rodziny w Lublinie. W 1864 r. aresztowano go. Zwolniony po 3 miesiącach wstąpił do liceum lubelskiego. Ukończył je w 1868 r. i został przyjęty na Wydział Matematyczno-Fizyczny Szkoły Głównej w Warszawie.
    Zrezygnował po II roku ze studiów i przeniósł się do szkoły rolniczo-leśnej w Puławach. Tu również nie zagrzał miejsca i ponownie wyjechał do Warszawy gdzie imał się różnych zajęć (m. in. pracy fizycznej w zakładach metalowych). Od 1872 r. współpracował jako felietonista z "Opiekunem Domowym" i "Niwą", od 1873 -z humorystyczną "Muchą", od 1874 z "Kolcami". W 1875 r. w "Kurierze Warszawskim" zaczął drukować kronikę tygodniową. Dało mu to dostatecznie pewną podstawę bytu by się ożenić. Wybranką była kuzynka Oktawia Trembińska. Ich związek był wypełniony trwałymi uczuciami, wzajemnym wspomaganiem się oraz bogactwem wrażeń. Prus stronił od "wielkiego świata". Wolał zacisze warszawskiego mieszkania i kameralne rozmowy w znajomym gronie. Ze względu na agorafobię (lęk przestrzeni) unikał dalekich podróży i rozległych widoków. Większość letnich urlopów spędził w Nałęczowie.
    Zmarł w Warszawie. Został pochowany na Cmentarzu Powązkowskim. Na grobie wystawiono pomnik dłuta S. Jackowskiego z napisem Serce serc.

    Zatrudniwszy się w "Kurierze Warszawskim" stał się dziennikarzem zawodowym. Do r. 1887 zamieścił tam 345 felietonów tygodniowych. Po przejściu do "Kuriera Codziennego" w 1887 r. opublikował do 1901 r. 373 felietony. W latach 1905-11 dla "Tygodnika Ilustrowanego" napisał 178 kronik. Dodając do tego podobne teksty, zamieszczane w innych pismach, to bilans jego dorobku felietonowego wynosi ok. 1100 kronik. W opinii krytyków i historyków literatury jego felietonistyka należy do klasycznych osiągnięć gatunku. Zdumiewa bogactwem obserwacji, rozmaitością nastrojów, pomysłowością "przypraw" humorystycznych i stylizacyjnych. Nawiązywali do niej późniejsi polscy mistrzowie gatunku, m. in. Antoni Słonimski.Drugi dział twórczości Prusa to małe formy narracyjne. Liczy on ok. 110 utworów. Są tu pisane w młodości szkice humorystyczne, obrazki w rodzaju utworu Na wakacjach (1884), nowele, jak np. Antek, Katarynka i Michałko (1880), Kamizelka (1882), Z legend dawnego Egiptu (1888) i Sen (1890). Są też obszerniejsze od nowel opowiadania i szkice powieściowe, jak Sieroca dola (1877), Przygoda Stasia (1879), Powracająca fala (1880), Grzechy dzieciństwa (1883) i Omyłka (1884). Atut tych utworów to wnikliwe psychologicznie zarysowanie sylwetek dzieci i bohaterów niepozornych kondycją społeczną. Przykuwają one naszą uwagę problematyką moralną, delikatnością rysunku życia wewnętrznego, sugestywnością i starannością konstrukcji.
    Na plon powieściowy Prusa składają się: Placówka (1886), Lalka (1889), Emancypantki (1893), Faraon (1896), Dzieci (1908) i niedokończone Przemiany (1912). Powieści te poprzedziła Anielka (1880), pokrewna przez zakrój tematyki.Prus poświęcił wiele uwagi pracy społecznej, np. biorąc udział w zakładaniu Kasy Przezorności i Pomocy dla Literatów i Dziennikarzy, 1905 - zostając członkiem Komitetu Obywatelskiego niosącego pomoc pozbawionym pracy robotnikom, 1897 - patronując powstaniu Towarzystwa Higieny Praktycznej im. Bolesława Prusa. Utwory opublikowane w tym okresie, np. Ze wspomnień cyklisty (1903), nie mają już większego znaczenia. Wydarzenia 1905 znalazły wyraz w powieści Dzieci (1906). Śmierć pisarza przerwała pracę nad powieścią Przemiany.Prus jest uważany za jednego z najwybitniejszych prozaików w dziejach literatury polskiej. Wydania Pisma (tom 1-4, 1897, wydanie 2 - 1904), Pisma (tom 1-15, 1918-1927), Pisma (tom 1-23, 1924-1927), Pisma (tom 1-29, 1948-1952), Listy (1959), Kroniki (tom 1-20, 1953-1970), Wybór pism (tom 1-10, 1954, wydanie 5 - 1974-1975).


  • Noker6

    Julian Tuwim urodził się 13 września 1894 roku w Łodzi. Pochodził z mieszczańskiej rodziny zasymilowanych Żydów. Uczył się w Męskim Gimnazjum Rządowym w Łodzi w latach 1904-1914, gdzie z początku nie odnosił większych sukcesów, powtarzał nawet klasę. W 1905 roku z powodu rewolucji, która ogarnęła Łódź Tuwimowie zmuszeni byli przeprowadzić się do Wrocławia. W 1911 roku Julian zadebiutował przekładem na hiszpański wierszy Leopolda Staffa. W 1913 roku zadebiutował wierszem „Prośba” opublikowanym w :Kurierze Warszawskim”. Utwór podpisał inicjałami „St. M.”, które należały do jego przyszłej żony. 30 kwietnia 1919 roku poślubił Stanisławę Marchwinównę. W 1916 roku rozpoczął studia na wydziale prawa i filozofii na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Dwa lata później jednak porzucił je. Współpracował z czasopismem „Pro Arte et Studio”. Był także współzałożycielem grupy poetyckiej Skamander w 1919 roku. W okresie wojny pomiędzy Polską a Bolszewikami podjął się pracy w Biurze Prasowym Wodza Naczelnego Józefa Piłsudskiego. Założył też Związek Artystów i Kompozytorów Scenicznych (ZAiKS). W 1939 roku wyemigrował przez Rumunię, Włochy do Francji, a następnie przez Portugalię i Brazylię do USA. W 1942 roku zamieszkał w Nowym Jorku. W 1946 roku wrócił do Polski. Od 1947 roku pełnił funkcję kierownika artystycznego Teatru Nowego. Zmarł 27 grudnia 1953 roku w Zakopanem.

  • giulii1

    Shannon Lucid

    Shannon Lucid was the sixth American woman in space.
    Shannon is American, but she was born in January 1943 in China! She finished school in 1960 and went to Oklahoma University. She left university in 1973 and became an astronaut in 1979.
    Shannon travelled into space five times. Her first trip was in June 1985, in the spaceship "Discovery". In 1993 she flew in the spaceship "Columbia". The "Columbia" trip took 14 days. They travelled over 9 million kilometres and went round the Earth 225 times!
    Shannon Lucid' s longest trip was in 1996. In March she flew to the Mir Space Station. She worked there for 6 months and flew home in September. On this trip, she travelled 121 million kilometres in 188 days!

    Robert Baden-Powell started the Boy Scouts in 1908 and Girl Guides in 1910.

    Andrzej Małkowski started the first Polish scout groups in 1910.

    Richard Schirrman, a school teacher, opened the first youth hostel in 1909. It was in Germany. Now there are youth hostels all over the world. There are 225 youth hostels in England and Wales.

  • WerkaM

    Vanessa Anne Hudgens was born on 14th December, 1988. She is an American actress and singer. As an actress, she played in television shows like Thirteen as Noel, Thunderbirds as Tintin and The Suite Life of Zack & Cody. Hudgens garnered prominence with her portrayal of the fictional character Gabriella Montez in the High School Musical series.
    Hudgens's debut album V was released on September 26, 2006. The album entered the Billboard 200 at number twenty four, and was later certified Gold. Hudgens released her second album, Identified, on July 1, 2008 in the U.S.

    Zachary David Alexander "Zac" Efron was born on 18th of October 1987. He is an American actor and singer. He began acting professionally in the early 2000s, and became known to young audiences after his roles in the Disney Channel Original Movie High School Musical and the 2007 film version of the Broadway musical Hairspray. In 2007, right before the release of High School Musical 2, Rolling Stone declared him the "Poster boy for tweenyboppers" and featured him in their late August 2007 issue.

  • userphoto

    Madonna (born Madonna Louise Ciccone; August 16, 1958) is an American recording artist, actress and entrepreneur. Born in Bay City, Michigan, and raised in Rochester Hills, Michigan, she moved to New York City in 1977, for a career in modern dance. After performing as a member of the pop musical groups Breakfast Club and Emmy, she released her self-titled debut album, Madonna, in 1983 on Sire Records.
    A series of hit singles from her next studio albums, Like a Virgin (1984) and True Blue (1986), established her as a pop icon. She pushed the boundaries of lyrical content in mainstream popular music and imagery in her music videos, which became a fixture on MTV. Her recognition was augmented by the film Desperately Seeking Susan (1985) which widely became seen as a Madonna vehicle, despite her not playing the lead. Expanding on the use of religious imagery with Like a Prayer (1989), Madonna received positive critical reception for her diverse musical productions, while at the same time was criticised by religious conservatives and the Vatican. In 1992, Madonna founded the Maverick corporation, a joint venture between herself and Time Warner. The same year, she expanded the use of sexually explicit material in her work, beginning with the release of the studio album Erotica, followed by the publishing of the coffee table book Sex, and starring in the erotic thriller Body of Evidence, all of which received negative responses from conservatives and liberals alike.
    In 1996, Madonna played the starring role in the film Evita, for which she won a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in Motion Picture Musical or Comedy. Madonna's seventh studio album, Ray of Light (1998), became one of her most critically acclaimed, recognized for its lyrical depth. During the 2000s, Madonna released four studio albums – namely Music (2000), American Life (2003), Confessions on a Dance Floor (2005) and Hard Candy (2008) – all of which debuted at number one on the Billboard 200. Departing from Warner Bros. Records, Madonna signed an unprecedented $120 million dollar contract with Live Nation in 2008.
    According to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, Madonna has sold more than 200 million albums worldwide.[1] She is ranked by the Recording Industry Association of America as the best-selling female rock artist of the 20th century, and the second top-selling female artist in the United States, behind Barbra Streisand, with 64 million certified albums.[2][3] Guinness World Records listed her as the world's most successful female recording artist of all time. In 2008, Billboard magazine ranked Madonna at number two, behind only The Beatles, on the "Billboard Hot 100 All-Time Top Artists", making her the most successful solo artist in the history of the chart. She was also inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the same year. Considered to be one of the most influential women in contemporary music, Madonna has been known for continually reinventing both her music and image, and for retaining a standard of autonomy within the recording industry. She is recognized as an influence among numerous music artists.

  • Lolitax333

    Justin Randall Timberlake (born January 31, 1981)[1] is an American pop musician and actor. He has won six Grammy Awards as well as two Emmy Awards. He got his big break when he appeared as a contestant on Star Search, and went on to star in the Disney Channel television series The New Mickey Mouse Club, where he met future bandmate JC Chasez. Timberlake became famous in the late 1990s as the lead singer of the boy band 'N Sync, whose launch was financed by Lou Pearlman.

    In 2002, he released his debut solo album, Justified, which sold more than 7 million copies worldwide. The album was a commercial success, spawning the hits "Cry Me a River" and "Rock Your Body". Timberlake continued his success with his second solo album, FutureSex/LoveSounds (2006), debuting at number one on the Billboard 200 chart, and produced the US number-one hit singles "SexyBack," "My Love," and "What Goes Around.../...Comes Around."

    Timberlake's first two albums made him one of the most commercially successful singers in the world, each selling in excess of 9 million copies (in addition to his 55 million albums sold with 'N Sync). Aside from music, he has also begun an acting career, while his other ventures include record label Tennman Records, fashion label William Rast, and the restaurants Destino and Southern Hospitality.
    Timberlake was born in Memphis, Tennessee, the son of Lynn Harless (née Bomar) and Randall Timberlake.[1] Timberlake has English and distant American Indian ancestry.[2] His paternal grandfather, Charles L. Timberlake, was a Baptist minister, and Timberlake was raised Baptist, though now considers himself more "spiritual than religious".[3]

    Timberlake's parents divorced in 1985, and both have remarried. His mother, who now runs an entertainment company called Just-in Time Entertainment, remarried to Paul Harless, a banker, when her son was five. His father, a choir director at a Baptist church, has two children, Jonathan (born c. 1993) and Steven Robert (born August 14, 1998), from his second marriage to Lisa Perry. Timberlake's half-sister, Laura Katherine, died shortly after birth on May 14, 1997, and is mentioned in his acknowledgments in the album *NSYNC as "My Angel in Heaven."[4] Timberlake grew up in Shelby Forest, a small community between Memphis and Millington. His first attempts at a singing career were country music songs on Star Search as "Justin Randall."[5]

    In 1993, Timberlake joined the cast of The Mickey Mouse Club. His castmates included future girlfriend and pop superstar Britney Spears, future tourmate Christina Aguilera, and future bandmate JC Chasez.[6] The show ended in 1994, but late in 1995 Timberlake recruited Chasez to be in an all-male singing group organized by boy band manager Lou Pearlman[7] that eventually became 'N Sync.
    Music career
    1995–2002: 'N Sync
    Main article: 'N Sync

    Timberlake and JC Chasez were the two lead singers of the popular 1990s boy band 'N Sync.[8] The group formed in 1995, started its career 1996 in Europe, and hit it big in the United States in 1998 with the US release of its debut album *NSYNC, which sold 11 million copies.[9] The album included a number of hit singles such as "Tearin' Up My Heart." For the next two years, encouraged by similar developments with the Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync engaged in a lengthy legal battle with manager Lou Pearlman. Eventually the band signed with Jive Records.[10] 'N Sync released a long-awaited album, No Strings Attached, in March 2000, which became the fastest-selling album of all time with 2.4 million copies sold in its first week[11] and produced a #1 single, "It's Gonna Be Me". The release was followed by the band's third album, Celebrity, which held the title of the second-fastest selling album of all time. In 2002, after the completion of a Celebrity Tour and the release of "Girlfriend," the third single from Celebrity, the group decided to take time off, at which point Timberlake began work on his first solo album and the group went into a hiatus. In its lifetime, 'N Sync was internationally famous and performed at the Academy Awards,[12] the Olympics,[13] and the Super Bowl,[14] as well as selling more than 50 million copies worldwide,[15] becoming the third-best selling boy band in history.[16]

    During late 1999, Timberlake made his acting debut in the Disney Channel movie Model Behavior, in which he played Jason Sharpe, a model who falls in love with a waitress after mistaking her for another model. It was released on March 12, 2000.[17]

    As a member of 'N Sync, Timberlake developed into a major celebrity in his own right in addition to achieving respect as a musician, since he was the writer or co-writer of all three singles from Celebrity. The rise of his own stardom and the general decline in the popularity of boy bands led to a continuation of 'N Sync's hiatus, although the group has never officially disbanded. Band member Lance Bass has stated that he believes the group is finished,[18] and is openly critical of Timberlake's actions in his memoir Out of Sync. On the other hand, Chris Kirkpatrick remarked in August 2008 that the five remain friends, and he believed a reunion was possible:[19] he repeated that opinion in October 2009.[20] In September 2008, Bass also made conciliatory comments.[21]
    2002–04: Justified and Super Bowl
    See also: Justified and Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show controversy

    In August 2002, after months of recording Justified, his debut solo album, Timberlake performed at the 2002 MTV Video Music Awards, where he premiered his first single, "Like I Love You," a sparse dance track produced by The Neptunes.[22] The song reached number eleven on the Billboard Hot 100.[23] Following the single, Timberlake released Justified on November 5, 2002.[24] The album sold fewer copies than previous 'N Sync efforts. It debuted at number two on the Billboard 200 album chart, selling 439,000 copies in its first week of release. It eventually went on to sell more than three million copies in the U.S. and more than seven million copies worldwide.[25] The album also received critical acclaim, thanks to its heavy R&B influence provided by hip-hop producers The Neptunes and Timbaland.[26] It spun off hits throughout late 2002 and 2003, including the top ten singles "Cry Me a River" and "Rock Your Body."[23] Timberlake supported the album by co-headlining the Justified/Stripped Tour with Christina Aguilera in the summer of 2003.[27] At the end of the year, Timberlake recorded a song entitled "I'm Lovin' It." It was used by McDonald's as the theme to its "I'm Lovin' It" campaign. The deal with McDonald's earned Timberlake an estimated $6 million. A tour entitled Justified and Lovin' It Live was included with the deal as well.[28] Timberlake was featured on Nelly's song, "Work It", which was remixed and included on Nelly's 2003 remix album.[29]

    In February 2004, during the halftime show of the Super Bowl XXXVIII broadcast on the CBS television network, Timberlake performed with Janet Jackson before a television audience of more than 140 million viewers. At the end of the performance, as the song drew to a close, Timberlake tore off a part of Jackson's black leather costume in a "costume reveal" meant to accompany a portion of the song lyrics. According to CBS, "both Jackson and Timberlake had confirmed they planned it 'independently and clandestinely' without informing anyone."[30] Part of the costume detached, and Jackson's breast was briefly exposed.[31] Timberlake apologized for the incident, stating he was "sorry that anyone was offended by the wardrobe malfunction during the halftime performance of the Super Bowl...."[32] The phrase "wardrobe malfunction" has since been used by the media to refer to the incident and has entered pop culture.[33] As a result of the controversy, Timberlake and Jackson were threatened with exclusion from the 2004 Grammy Awards unless they agreed to apologize on screen at the event.[34] Timberlake attended and issued a scripted apology when accepting the first of two Grammy Awards he received that night (Best Pop Vocal Album for Justified and Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for "Cry Me a River").[35] He had also been nominated for Album of the Year for Justified, Record of the Year for "Cry Me a River", and Best Rap/Sung Collaboration for "Where Is the Love?" with The Black Eyed Peas.[36]
    2004–06: Collaborations and acting

    After the Super Bowl controversy, Timberlake put his recording career on hold to act in several films, having starred in a few feature films earlier in his music career.[6] The first role he took during this time was as a journalist in the thriller Edison Force, which was filmed in 2004 and received a direct-to-video release on July 18, 2006.[37] He also appeared in the films Alpha Dog, Black Snake Moan, Richard Kelly's Southland Tales, and voiced Prince Artie Pendragon in the animated film Shrek the Third, released on May 18, 2007.[38] He also appeared as a young Elton John, in the video for John's song "This Train Don't Stop There Anymore".[39] Timberlake was considered to play the role of Roger Davis in the film version of the rock musical Rent, but director Chris Columbus had insisted that only the original Broadway members could convey the true meaning of Rent.[40]

    He continued to record with other artists. After "Where Is the Love?", he again collaborated with the Black Eyed Peas on the 2005 track "My Style" from their album Monkey Business.[41] When recording the 2005 single "Signs" with Snoop Dogg, Timberlake discovered a throat condition.[42] Nodules were subsequently removed from his throat in an operation that took place on May 5, 2005.[43] He was advised not to sing or speak loudly for at least a few months.[44] In the summer of 2005, Timberlake started his own record company, JayTee Records.[45]

    Timberlake made a cameo in the video for Nelly Furtado and Timbaland's single "Promiscuous", released on May 3, 2006.
    2006–07: FutureSex/LoveSounds
    Timberlake at a concert in St. Paul, Minnesota (2007)

    Timberlake released his second solo album, FutureSex/LoveSounds, on September 12, 2006.[46] The album, which Timberlake created in 2005, debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 album chart, selling 684,000 copies its first week.[46] It is the biggest album for pre-orders on iTunes, and beat Coldplay's record for the biggest one-week sales of a digital album.[47] The album was produced by Timbaland and Danja (who produced a bulk of the album),, Rick Rubin and Timberlake himself, and features guest vocals by Snoop Dogg, Three 6 Mafia, T.I. and[48] A studio representative described it as being "all about sexiness" and aiming for "an adult feel".[43]

    The album's lead single, "SexyBack", was performed by Timberlake at the opening of the 2006 MTV Video Music Awards and reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100, where it remained for seven consecutive weeks.[49] "My Love", the album's second single, also produced by Timbaland and featuring rapper T.I., reached number one on the Hot 100, as did third single "What Goes Around.../...Comes Around Interlude". The song is reported to have been inspired by the break-up of his childhood friend and business partner, Trace Ayala, with actress Elisha Cuthbert.[50] In October 2006, Timberlake said that he would focus on his music career rather than his film roles, specifying that leaving the music industry would be a "dumb thing to do at this point".[49] He was the special guest performer at the 2006 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show for being where he sang SexyBack. In January 2007, Timberlake embarked on the FutureSex/LoveShow tour. "Summer Love/Set the Mood Prelude" was the fourth U.S. single off the album, and the next single in the UK was "LoveStoned/I Think She Knows Interlude". The song "Give It to Me", a Timbaland single on which Timberlake guests with Nelly Furtado, reached the Hot 100 number-one spot.[51]

    In February 2008, Timberlake was awarded two Grammy Awards. At the 50th Grammy Awards Ceremony, Timberlake won the Male Pop Performance Award for "What Goes Around...Comes Around", and the Dance Recording Award for "LoveStoned/I Think She Knows".[52]
    2007–10: Collaborations and acting

    In April 2007, Timberlake was seen entering a London studio with Madonna, thus confirming rumors that he was collaborating with her.[53] A song "4 Minutes", was first played by Timbaland at Philadelphia's Jingle Ball on December 17, 2007.[54] When released on March 17, 2008, "4 Minutes" was revealed to be a duet between Timberlake and Madonna, with backing vocals by Timbaland. It was lead single from Madonna's eleventh studio album Hard Candy, which featured four other song-writing collaborations with Timberlake. The single was an international hit, and topped the charts in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, and reached the Top 5 in Austria, France, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand and the United States. Timberlake also appears in the music video, which was directed by Jonas & François. On March 30, 2008, Timberlake performed the song at Madonna's Hard Candy Promo Show at Roseland Ballroom in New York City.[55] On November 6, 2008, Timberlake performed the song with Madonna on the Los Angeles stop of her Sticky & Sweet Tour.[56]

    Around June 2007 Timberlake co-wrote, produced and provided vocals for the songs "Nite Runner" and "Falling Down" for Duran Duran's album Red Carpet Massacre, released on November 13, 2007. "Falling Down" had been released as a single in the UK on the previous day.[57]

    Also in 2007, Timberlake made an appearance on 50 Cent's third album, Curtis. Timberlake, along with Timbaland, is featured on a track called "Ayo Technology", which was the album's fourth single. Also, another possible collaboration was to occur with Lil Wayne for his album Tha Carter III with Nelly Furtado and Timbaland.[58]

    With the wrapping up of the FutureSex/LoveSounds tour of Australasia and the Middle East in November 2007, Timberlake resumed his film career. Projects underway early in 2008 were starring roles in Mike Myers' comedy The Love Guru (released June 20, 2008) and Mike Meredith's drama The Open Road (released August 28, 2009). In March 2008 it was announced that he was be an executive producer in an American adaptation of the hit Peruvian comedy My Problem with Women for NBC.[59]

    On November 20, 2008, TV Guide reported that Timberlake’s next single, "Follow My Lead", which also featured vocals by Timberlake’s protégée, former YouTube star Esmee Denters, would be available for exclusive download through MySpace. All proceeds would go to Shriners Hospitals for Children, a charity dedicated to improving pediatric care for sick children.[60]

    In 2008 a collaboration between Timberlake and T.I., "Dead and Gone" featured on T.I.'s sixth studio album, Paper Trail and was released as its fourth single late in 2009. In November 2008, it was confirmed that Timberlake would make a guest appearance and produce some tracks on R&B/pop singer Ciara's upcoming album Fantasy Ride due out May 5, 2009. Timberlake featured on Ciara's second single "Love Sex Magic", the video being shot on February 20, 2009.[61] The single became a worldwide hit, reaching the top ten in numerous countries and peaking at number one in several countries including Taiwan, India, and Turkey. The single is now nominated for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals at the 52nd Grammy Awards.

    Timberlake and his production team The Y's along with Mike Elizondo produced and co-wrote the song "Don't Let Me Down" for Leona Lewis's second studio album "Echo," released (in the US) on November 17, 2009.

    Timberlake also co-wrote and performed on "Carry Out," the third single from Timbaland's album "Shock Value II," released on December 1, 2009.[62]
    Other work

    Near the end of 2002, Timberlake was the first celebrity to appear on Punk'd, a "candid camera" type show created by Ashton Kutcher to trick celebrities.[63] Timberlake, who cried during the episode, later admitted to being under the influence of marijuana when he was pranked.[64] Three episodes later, he set up Kelly Osbourne to be "punk'd", thus making him the first celebrity to appear on the show more than once.[65] Timberlake later spoofed Ashton Kutcher and Punk'd in a 2003 episode of NBC's Saturday Night Live.[66]

    Timberlake has hosted many music events, including the European MTV Music Awards in 2006. On December 16, 2006, Timberlake hosted Saturday Night Live, doing double duty as both host and musical guest for the second time. During this appearance, he and Andy Samberg performed an R&B song for a skit entitled "Dick in a Box," which some radio stations have aired as an unofficial single from Timberlake and has become one of the most viewed videos on YouTube. On May 9, 2009, he appeared in another SNL Digital Short opposite Samberg, Susan Sarandon and Patricia Clarkson entitled "Motherlover", a quasi-sequel to "Dick in a Box".[67]

    Timberlake appeared on Jimmy Fallon's debut as host of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on March 2, 2009.[68]

    In 2004, ABC hired Timberlake to write a song for its NBA coverage.

    Timberlake is the executive producer on the MTV reality series The Phone, which premiered on April 21, 2009. According to People Magazine, the series "thrusts contestants into a heart-stopping action adventure worthy of a summer blockbuster. In six hour-long episodes, a mysterious stranger on the phone invites four strangers into the dangerous game. If they accept, they're paired into two teams and dared to perform physical and mental challenges reminiscent of Matt Damon's The Bourne Identity or Shia LaBeouf's Eagle Eye."[69]

    Timberlake will reprise his role as Artie in the fourth Shrek movie.
    Other ventures

    Timberlake has co-owned or provided celebrity endorsement for three restaurants in the United States: "Chi" opened in West Hollywood, California in 2003,[70] and "Destino" and "Southern Hospitalty" in New York opened in 2006 and 2007, respectively.[71] He also has his own brand of tequila called 901; the name comes in part from the area code of his hometown of Memphis.[72]

    In 2005, Timberlake launched the William Rast clothing line with childhood friend Juan ("Trace") Ayala. The 2007 line contained cord jackets, cashmere sweaters, jeans and polo shirts.[73] The pair reports inspiration from fellow Memphis native Elvis Presley: "Elvis is the perfect mixture of Justin and I," Ayala says. "You can go back and see pictures of him in cowboy boots and a cowboy hat and a nice button-down shirt, but then again you can see him in a tux and a collared shirt with rhinestones on it and slacks. We like to think 'If he was alive today, what would he be wearing?'"[74]

    Timberlake provides celebrity endorsement for many commercial products, this aspect of his business being managed by IMG Sports & Entertainment since April 2008.[75] Major endorsements in 2009 included Sony electronic products,[76] Givenchy's men's fragrance "Play",[77] Audi's "A1",[78] and Callaway Golf Company products.[79]

    An avid amateur golfer, in 2007 Timberlake purchased the run-down Big Creek Golf Course in his home town of Millington, Tennessee, which he redeveloped as the eco-friendly Mirimichi Golf Course at a cost of some $US16 million. It was reopened on 25 July 2009 but closed again on 15 January 2010 for further improvements expected to take six months.[80]
    Charitable causes

    Timberlake has been active in several charitable pursuits, initially through 'N Sync's "Challenge for the Children" aimed at a range of charities, and since 2001 through his "Justin Timberlake Foundation," which initially funded music education programs in schools, but now has a much broader agenda.[81] In October 2005, the Grammy Association presented Timberlake with an award for his humanitarian efforts in Tennessee, alongside writer/director Craig Brewer, also a Memphis native.[82]

    In November 2007 he donated $A100,000 from takings from his Australian tour to Wildlife Warriors founded by the late Steve Irwin.[83] On March 23, 2008, he donated $100,000 to the Memphis Rock 'n' Soul Museum and another $100,000 to the Memphis Music Foundation.[84]

    On November 12, 2007, the PGA Tour announced that Timberlake, an avid golfer who plays to a 6 handicap,[85] would become the host of the tour's Las Vegas tournament starting in 2008. With Timberlake's agreement to host the tournament, its name was changed to the Justin Timberlake Shriners Hospitals for Children Open. He played in the celebrity pro-am on the day before the competitive tournament and hosted a charity concert during the week of the tournament.[86] The activity was a success, and was repeated in 2009. A review of the value of celebrities to fundraising concluded that Timberlake's contribution to Shriners Hospitals for Children was the single most valuable celebrity endorsement in the US during 2009, and worth over $US9 million.[87]
    Personal life
    Timberlake golfing in 2006.

    Early in 1999, Timberlake began what eventually became a high-profile celebrity relationship with fellow pop singer Britney Spears, with whom he had worked on the New Mickey Mouse Club. This ended abruptly in March 2002, amidst tabloid press speculation on Spears' infidelity with choreographer Wade Robson, a mutual friend of Spears and Timberlake. Lynn Harless says as a mother she too was devastated regarding the break-up, but to this day speaks warmly of Spears, "Britney grew up on my living room floor. I still love her to death. They (Justin and Britney) were together 10 or 11 years and had, from day one, instant chemistry between them. She's a sweet girl. I just hate what she's going through now." The breakup influenced the lyrics and theme of Timberlake's hit "Cry Me A River", one of the most popular singles from Justified.[88]

    Post-Spears, Timberlake has generally refused to discuss his personal life with the media, as a result of which his relationships have been the subject of much speculation in the tabloid and celebrity press. He was involved with singer-actress Stacy Ferguson prior to 2001.[89] He was romantically linked with actress-dancer Jenna Dewan (in mid-2002)[90] and actress-singer Alyssa Milano (between September and October 2002).[90] Timberlake began dating actress Cameron Diaz soon after they met at the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards in April 2003. Regular rumours of break-ups reported in the tabloid press were either ignored or occasionally denied.[91][92] On the December 16, 2006 episode of Saturday Night Live, Diaz introduced Timberlake as the night's musical guest, and the couple officially split shortly afterwards. After the tabloid press alleged an affair between Timberlake and Scarlett Johansson, with whom he had shot the video for his single "What Goes Around.../...Comes Around Interlude",[93] Diaz and Timberlake issued a joint statement on January 11, 2007:[94]
    “ It has always been our preference not to comment on the status of our relationship, but, out of respect for the time we've spent together, we feel compelled to do so now, in light of recent speculation and the number of inaccurate stories that are being reported by the media. We have, in fact, ended our romantic relationship and have done so mutually and as friends, with continued love and respect for one another.[95] ”

    Later in January 2007 Timberlake was linked to Jessica Biel when pictures surfaced of the two snowboarding in Park City, Utah during the Sundance Film Festival. On May 12, 2007 romantic pictures of Timberlake and Biel on multiple dates were published.[96][97] In the August 9–15, 2008 edition of Heat magazine, when Timberlake was asked to describe his perfect woman, he replied "About 5ft.7in.-5ft.8in., nice butt, Midwestern American, kind-of-German last name, green eyes, big pouty lips, fair skin, ahhh....sinewy bod..."[98] However, during an appearance on the The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on June 11, 2008 when Jay Leno questioned him about anything related to rumors of engagement and pregnancy, Timberlake jokingly responded that he "is engaging in a conversation with Leno" and "everybody in general can get pregnant."[99]

    Timberlake was given Sexiest Man titles by Teen People and Cosmopolitan magazines.[100] On February 17, 2009, Timberlake was named the "Most Stylish Man in America" by GQ magazine.[101]

  • Lidzia1989

    Vanessa Anne Hudgens was born on 14th December, 1988. She is an American actress and singer. As an actress, she played in television shows like Thirteen as Noel, Thunderbirds as Tintin and The Suite Life of Zack & Cody. Hudgens garnered prominence with her portrayal of the fictional character Gabriella Montez in the High School Musical series.
    Hudgens's debut album V was released on September 26, 2006. The album entered the Billboard 200 at number twenty four, and was later certified Gold. Hudgens released her second album, Identified, on July 1, 2008 in the U.S.

    Shannon Lucid was the sixth American woman in space.
    Shannon is American, but she was born in January 1943 in China! She finished school in 1960 and went to Oklahoma University. She left university in 1973 and became an astronaut in 1979.
    Shannon travelled into space five times. Her first trip was in June 1985, in the spaceship "Discovery". In 1993 she flew in the spaceship "Columbia". The "Columbia" trip took 14 days. They travelled over 9 million kilometres and went round the Earth 225 times!
    Shannon Lucid' s longest trip was in 1996. In March she flew to the Mir Space Station. She worked there for 6 months and flew home in September. On this trip, she travelled 121 million kilometres in 188 days!

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