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For most of the year , notting hill is a smart quiet part of london . But at carnival time you can see the real cosmopolitan notting hill which is much exciting-and noisier ! The notting Hill carnival in smaller than Rio and less well-known,but it's the largest carnival europe .It started in 1964 and now over a million people come to the carnival for two days at the end of August each year. More than fifty bands parade through the streets in colourful costumes. The are lots of sound systems playing reggae and other kinds of music , and three stages where bands . And when you get hungry , there are stalls selling exotic food from all over the world . They call noting hill carnival 'The Greatest Show on Earth'.It'seurope's best street party ! And it's less expensive than rio !

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    For mołst of de ir, natfing hil is a smart kłajet part of london. bat at karniwal tajm ju ken si de ril kosmopolitan natfing hil łicz is macz eksajting end nojsir! de natfing hil karniwal in smoler dan rio end les lel noł, bat its de lardżest karniwal jurop. it starteyd in najntin siksti for end nał ołwer e milion pipul kom tu de karniwal for tu dejs et di end of ogust icz jir. mor dan fifti bends parejd tfrou de strits in kolorful kostiums. de are lots of saund systems plejing rege end ader kajnds of miuzik, end tfri łer bands. end łen ju get hangri , der ar stals seling egzotik fud from oll ołwer de łorld. dej kol natfing hill karniwal Di grejtest szoł on ertf. its jurops best party! end its les ekspensiw dan rio !


  • xrq

    for most of de jer, noting hil is e smart kłajet part of london. bat et carniwoł tajm ju ken si de rial kosmopoliten notting hil łicz is macz eksaiting end nojser! De noting hil karniwoł is smaler dan Rijo end less łel nołn, bat its de lardżest karniwoł jurołp. It started in 1964 ( najtin siksti tu) end nał ołwer e milion pipuł kam tu de karniwoł for tu dejs et di end of ogust icz jer. Mor dan fifti bands perejd fru de strits in kolorfuł
    kostjums. der ar lots of saund systems plejing rege end ołwer kajnds of mjuzik , end fri stejdżes łer ar bands. End łen ju get hangri , der ar stołs seling eksotik fud from oł ołwer de word. Dej koł noting hil karniwoł "de grejtest szoł erf". its jurołps best strit parti! end its less ekspensiw dan rijo

  • agunia128

    fo mołst ow de ye nodinhil iz e sma(r)t kłajet pa(R)t ow london. bat at carnywal tajm ju cen sj de rijal kozmopolytan nodin hil łicz iz macz eksajtin an noizier! de nodin hil carnival in smoler den ryjo an les łel-nołn, bat yits de la(r)dżest karniwal jurope. is sta(r)teyd in najtin sikstyfor an nał ołwer e milien pipyl kame to de karniwal fo tu dajs at de en ow ołgest ich jear. more den fyfti bands parejd fru de strits in colerful costjums. de a lots ow sałndz systems plejun rege an ader kajnds ow mjuzic, an fri stejdżes łer bands. an łen ju get hangri, der a stals selin igzotik fud from ol ołwer de werld. dej col nodin hil karnival de grejtest szoł on irtf. its jurołpis best strit pa(r)ti! an its les ikspansiw den ryjo.

  • userphoto

    For most of the Jer ,nothink hill is a smart kłajet port of london. But at karnival tajm you can si the ril kosmopiltan nothing łich is macz eksajting and noiser the nothing hill karnival is maller den rio and less wel nołn but yt is the lardzest carniwal jurołp. it started in najniteensiksifor and nał ower a milion pipul com to the carnival for tu dejs at the endod august ich jer.Mor dan fifti bands oder kinds and tri stejdżes łer bands and łen ju get hangry der are stals seling egzotic fud grom all ower the world. Dej kall nothing hill carnival the grejtest szoł on erth. It seurołpe best strit party and its less ekspeniswe den rio

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