Treść zadania


drugi do tronu Książe William wnuk Elżbiety II,zaręczył się ze swoja koleżanką ze studiów Kate......Do oświadczyn doszło podczas wspólnych wakacji w Kenii.Ślub jest planowany na wiosnę 2011roku , z pewnością będzie do duże wydarzenie medialne w Anglii.Brytyjski przemysł już szacuje zyski.

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Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    the second to the throne Prince William grandson of Elizabeth II, became engaged with his fellow student Kate ...... For oświadczyn occurred during a joint holiday in Kenii.Ślub is planned for spring 2011roku, will surely be the big media event in Anglii.Brytyjski Industry has estimated profits.


  • ewolinda1

    second to the throne Książe William grandson of II Elżbieta, became engaged around one's with friend from studies Kate...... came to the marriage proposal during shared holidays in Kenya. the marriage ceremony is being planned in spring of 2011, certainly will be to great media event in Anglii.Brytyjski is already estimating the industry profits.

  • userphoto

    Prince William, the grandson of Elisabeth II, has engaged to his shoolmate Kate. He proposed to her during summer vacations, which they spent together in Kenya. The Weddning is planned on spring of 2011. It is believed to be the great media event in Great Britain. British industry started to estimate possible profits.

  • myszka2x2

    The second to the throne Prince William grandson of Elizabeth II, became engaged with his fellow student Kate ...... For oświadczyn occurred during a joint holiday in Kenya. Wedding is planned for spring 2011roku, will surely be the big media event in England. British industry has been estimated profits.

  • daddy78

    Elisabeth grandson, second to the throne prince William II, became engaged from to his friend from the studies Kate ......The proposaI came during the common holiday in Kenya.The marriage is planned on the spring 2011 , surely it will be the large mediumistic event in England. The British industry already estimates profits.

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