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    I live in a house in ...(miasto) . The house is situated near the downtown. There are four bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house. There is also a nice garden outside. Downstairs, there is a large entrance hall, living room, pantry, dining room, bathroom, and a kitchen. All bedrooms are located upstairs. The master bedroom belongs to my parants. It has a walk-in closet and it opens onto the garden. I can sit on a large balcony, which I can enter from my room. There is also an attic on the very top floor of the house. We store there all the things that we don't need.
    I live in an apartment complex on the outskirts of ...(miasto) . It is a fifteenth-storied high-rise located in Kopernika St. There are three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms. We live on the third floor. I have a small cozy room, which I decorated myself. There is a computer desk by the window, a bed along the west wall, and a large wardrobe, where I have all of my clothes. I don't have a TV in my room. If I want to watch TV, I have to go to the living room. In the living room there is a large sofa and two armchairs, which my dad calls lazy chairs. We have a nice collection of paintings displayed on every wall.

    I live in a house in ...(miasto). It`s got four bedrooms and a garden. Downstairs, when you go through the front door, you`re in the hall. On the left there is the sitting room. On the right there is the dining room. The dining room isn`t as big as the sitting room. In the front of you there`s the kitchen. Upstairs there are four bedrooms. My parent`s bedroom is at the front of the house, above the sitting room. It`s got a balcony. My bedroom is above the kitchen. There`s a bathroom upstairs. It isn`t as big as the bedrooms. We`ve got two bathrooms, one upstairs and one downstairs.
    The house is quite new. It is about 10 years old. It is white outside. The interior of the house is in many colours. The hall is light green. It is quite long and wide. There is a hand-made rug on the floor. There are many photos on the walls. They mainly show my family. There are also some shelves and hangers for clothes and boots.
    The dining room is quite spacious. The walls are blue. The cupboards and shelves are on the right. On the left there is a cooker, a fridge and a sink. In the middle of the kitchen there is a big wooden table. I like sitting in the kitchen. The atmosphere there is really relaxing.
    The sitting room is much bigger then the other rooms in the house. There is a lot of furniture there. The sofa and two armchairs by the window are really comfortable. My grests like sitting there. The TV in front of the sofa is very modern and big. That is because my family like watching films a lot. On the walls there are many paintings. They are colourful but stylish.
    Between the sofa and the TV there is a nice caffee table. It is very useful when we watch TV. We can put some food and drinks on it. We also need it to play cards.
    There is some music equiprent in the sitting room, too. There is a radio, a stereo and five speakers. I like listerning to music there. Whene I give a party, a lot of my friends come. They love dancing in my sitting room. This equipment is very modern and complicated but I can operate it quite well.
    In the sitting room there are a lot of plants. There is a big window on the left. All the plants are beside this window. It helps then grow. They have a lot of sun.
    There are also some bookshelves on the walls. They are full of books and magazines.
    I the corner there is a big lamp. It`s an antique lamp. My grandfather made this lamp in 1947. It is beautiful and makes room nicer when it`s lit up.
    On the floor there is a carpet. It is also quite old but in a very good condition.
    The view from the window in the sitting room is lovely. You can see the garden. It is always green. I have a lot of flowers there. There are also some vegetable and fruits.


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