Treść zadania


Dopasuj problem do porad.
-I have a lot of problems with my teeth.
-My knee always hurts after I play football
-Brush them carefully
-Don't run fast
-Don't eat sweets
-Talk to the doctor


Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • avatar

    0 0

    I have a lot of problems with my teeth
    -Brush them carefully
    -Don't eat sweets

    -My knee always hurts after I play football
    -Don't run fast
    -Talk to the doctor


  • userphoto

    do 1 pauzy bd 3,4 z porad a do 2 bd 1,2

  • userphoto

    -I have a lot of problems with my teeth.
    -Brush them carefully
    -Don't eat sweets
    -My knee always hurts after I play football
    -Don't run fast
    -Talk to the doctor

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