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    Polecenie 3


    Come to a party to celebrate my birthday event.
    The event will take place on Saturday 22nd January at 18 a.m. Meet at Holiday Club in San Francisco. It’s the biggest club in the city.
    If you want you can come with your girlfriend.
    To get there, take bus number 8.
    Then get off near the statue of the Little Pyramids.
    Hope to see you there!

    Polecenie 2

    Exhibition Images!

    I would like to invite you to an exhibition of paintings Polish painter. This exhibition is important for me because I have the patronage of her. This artist is a great treasure and I want it very promote.
    The event will start at 19 a.m. in Youth Culture in Warsaw. After the exhibition will be a banquet.
    Let me know if you’re coming.

    Polecenie 1

    Announce a special contest of knowledge about Poland!

    How much do you know about Poland? Come to us and test your knowledge! To participate, you must pay a fee of one penny. On the day of the contest you must also have a good sense of humor. The main prize is a trip to the most interesting places in Poland. For other participants anticipate a consolation prize in the form of albums about Poland. If you would like to take part, contact with Monika Karsky, her number is 0341463182.
    Main prize is waiting just for you.

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