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    Stephenie Meyer's book titled? Twilight? is the first of a series of global bestslerów. It dominates the lists of most popular books.
    The main character of this novel is Isabella Swan. It is a quiet peaceful seventeen girl who is the inhabitant of Phoenix. Her parents were divorced so our heroine lives with his father once again in the mother. The mother of our heroine lives in Phoenix, but very eager to travel with the match from the second marriage, Phil. Her father is a policeman living in a small town of Forks. At first, Bella did not like the idea of moving to Forks because she was accustomed to a warm climate. The Phoenix Bella did not have too much success, it was rather a person who likes to retreat. She thought that in Forks, people will treat it similarly. Living with his father filled out their duties properly. She was not thrilled that it will have to change your school. Charly Bella's father had bought specially for the arrival of a van from his old friend Billy? Ego? Bella's father's friend a man named Jacob Black. The new school is amazingly spared Belli teachers to present his people against the whole class. To the surprise of the heroine she met a boy named Mike, who helped her to move freely after school. She met the at lunch a few people with whom I later became friends. It also noted that at a separate table, sits a small group of five people from the obscenely beautiful beauty that shone with their brightest rays. But the surprising thing for Bella was a biology lesson, on which she sat down next to Edward Cullen. He was one of those 5 beautiful people with a bright, velvety skin. But when Bella was sitting already in place Edward tightly adhered to as far away from her, with a strange expression on his face and the angry, black eyes dripping with nervousness. They also met at the Registry and there, and Edward looked at her angrily. Then noticed that Edward is trying vigorously to change his schedule to avoid it. Edward few days did not go to school what kept Bella in the belief that it is her fault. When Edward finally arrived at the school, his eyes were no longer scary and black, but had a honey color. the same day Edward saves Bella in the accident that occurred in the school parking lot. The heroine goes to the hospital for observation, and there he meets his father Edward? Dr Cullen. Since then, Edward decides closer look at Bella, is no longer the guy you look on the first day she met him when Bella does not give even a shadow of suspicion that the boy could be bad for her.


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    Bella Swan moves from Phoenix, Arizona to live with her father in Forks, Washington to allow her mother to travel with her new husband, a minor league baseball player. After moving to Forks, Bella finds herself involuntarily drawn to a mysterious, handsome boy, Edward Cullen. She eventually learns that he is a member of a vampire family who drinks animal blood rather than human. Edward and Bella fall in love, but James, a sadistic vampire from another vampire coven, is drawn to hunt down Bella. Edward and the other Cullens defend Bella. She escapes to Phoenix, Arizona, where she is tricked into confronting James, who tries to kill her. She is seriously wounded, but Edward rescues her and they return to Forks, having killed James.

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przemek_koksik_ Proszę o pomoc!!! Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 1 rozwiązanie autor: przemek_koksik_ 21.4.2010 (21:20)
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kasiolinek proszę o pomoc potrzebuję na środę !!!!!!! Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 1 rozwiązanie autor: kasiolinek 26.4.2010 (15:38)
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