Treść zadania


1)Read the definitions and write the words.

1. the person who is in charge of a team : c_______
2. the place where athletes run : athletics tr________

2) Complete the newspaper report with the correct form of a verb from the list.
get injured, play, score, win(x2), draw, lose.

Last night, Germany BEAT Spain 3:2 in ther World Cup qualifying match. At half-time, the Germans ______ 2:0. But Spain ______ two goals in the second half and it looked as if they were going to ________ 2:2.
But in the final minute Germany _________ the match thanks to a penalty taken by thein captain, Franz Muller. This was the second consecutive match against Germany that Spain had ___________ Spain's goalkeeper, Luis Gonzalez, _______ in the warp-up before the game and couldn't ________ in the match.

- przy tym zadaniu wystarczy mi po myślniku jedno pod drugim, jakie słowko gdzie, bez przepisywania tekstu.

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    - coach (trener)
    - track (bieżnia)
    - win
    - score
    - draw
    - win
    - lose
    - get injured
    - play


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