Treść zadania



1. Kiedy Michael czytał książkę jego mama gotowała obiad.
2. Czy Kate często ogląda telewizję ?
3. Byłam chora i nie poszłam do szkoły.
4. Ile książek przeczytałeś w tamtym tygodniu.
5. Gdzie oni mieszkają ?
6. Czy test był łatwy.
7. Dzieci biegają w parku.
8. Popatrz ! Mark jedzie samochodem bardzo szybko.
9. Kiedy klasa 1d uczyła się angielskiego, klasa 1a pisała klasówkę.
10. Moi rodzice zbudowali nowy dom.
11. Czy twój brat lubi chodzić do kina ?
12. Ilu uczniów było wczoraj w szkole ?
13. Ktoś ukradł mój rower, kiedy robiłam zakupy.
14. Czy lubisz odrabiać lekcję ?
15. Kiedy byłam mała, miałam piękny rowerek.
16. Co robi teraz Twoja siostra ?
17. Nie robiłam wczoraj nic ciekawego.
18. Kate nie może mi pomóc, ponieważ nie ma czasu.
19. O której godzinie skończyłeś lekcję ?
20. Ann chce studiować angielski.
21. Mama nie dała mi pieniędzy.
22. Czy często odwiedzasz kolegów ?
23. Czy wczoraj było gorąco ?
24. Kate nie była szczęśliwa, ponieważ zgubiła 100zł.
25. Moja siostra śpi a mój brat pisze list.

Zgłoś nadużycie

Komentarze do zadania

  • Mysle ze najlepsze sa zdania agi. Bez wątpienia są najlepsze.

  • 1. When Michael was reading a book his mother cooked dinner. ( past cont ,past simple)
    2.Does Kate often watch tv? ( present simple)
    4.How many books did you read last week ? (past simple)
    5.Where do they live? ( present simple)
    6.Was the test easy ? (past simple )
    7. Children run around in the park. ( present simple)
    8.Look! Mark is driving a car very quickly. ( present continuous)
    9.When the class 1d learned English , Class 1a was writing a class test . (past simple , past continuous)
    10. My parents built a new house . ( past simple)
    11. Does your brother like going to the cinema ? (present simple)
    12.How many students were in school yesterday? (past simple)
    13.Someone stole my bike when I was doing shopping. ( past simple , past continuous)
    14.Do you like doing your homework? (present continuous)
    15.When I was little , I had a beautiful bike. (past simple ,past simple)
    16. What is Your sister doing now? ( present continuous)
    17.Yesterday I did not do nothing interesting. (past simple)
    18. Kate can not help me because she does not have time. (present simple)
    19. What time did You finish lessons? ( past simple)
    20.Ann wants to study English.( present simple)
    21.Mom did not give me money.(past simple)
    22.Do you visit friends often?(present simple)
    23.Did yesterday was hot?(past simple)
    24. Kate was not happy because she lost 100 PLN (past simple)
    25.My sister is sleeping and my brother writes a letter. (present continuous , present simple)

    tak jest dobrze bo mi kolega sprawdził ; d
    ale dziękuję ; **

  • _mam nadzieje, ze dobrze to zrobilam xdd ; dd

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 1 0

    1. While Michael was reading a book, his mum was cooking dinner.
    2. Does Kate often watch TV?
    3. I was ill and I didn't go to school.
    4. How many books did you read last week?
    5. Where do they live?
    6. Was a test easy?
    7. The children are running in a park.
    8. Look! Mark is driving a car very fast.
    9. While class 1d was learning English, class 1a was writing a test.
    10. My parents built a new house.
    11. Does your brother like going to the cinema?
    12. How many students were at school yesterday?
    13. Somebody stole my bike, while I was doing shopping.
    14. Do you like doing homework?
    15. When I was young, I had got a beautiful bike.
    16. What is your sister doing now?
    17. I did nothing interesting yesterday.
    18. Kate can't help me because she hasn't got any time.
    19. What time did you finish a lesson?
    20. Ann wants to study English.
    21. Mum didn't give me any money.
    22. Do you often visit your friends?
    23. Was it hot yesterday?
    24. Kate wasn't happy because she lost 100 zł.
    25. My sister is sleeping and my brother is writing a letter.


  • thx3

    1. When Michael was reading a book his mother cooked dinner.
    2. Is Kate often watch tv?
    3. I was sick and did not go to school.
    4. Where do they live?
    5. Where do they live?
    6. Is the test was easy.
    7. Children run around in the park.
    8. Look! Mark drives a car very quickly.
    9. When the class of 1d learned English, she wrote klasówkę Class 1a.
    10. My parents built a new house.
    11. Is your brother likes to go to the cinema?
    12. How many students were in school yesterday?
    13. Someone stole my bike when I was doing shopping.
    14. Do you like homework?
    15. When I was little, I had a beautiful bike.
    16. What does your sister now?
    17th Yesterday I did not nothing.
    18. Kate can not help me because there is no time.
    19. What time you finished a lesson?
    20. Ann wants to study English.
    21. Mom did not give me money.
    22. Do you often visit friends?
    23. Did yesterday was hot?
    24. Kate was not happy because she lost 100 PLN.
    25. My sister was asleep and my brother writes a letter.

  • kaala3612

    1. When Michael was reading a book his mother cooked dinner.
    2. Is Kate often watch TV?
    3. I was sick and did not go to school.
    4. How many books you read in that week.
    5. Where do they live?
    6. Is the test was easy?
    7. Children run around in the park.
    8. Look! Mark drives a car very quickly.
    9. When the class of 1d learned English, she wrote a test grade 1a.
    10. My parents built a new house.
    11. Is your brother likes to go to the cinema?
    12. How many students were in school yesterday?
    13. Someone stole my bike when I was doing shopping.
    14. Do you like homework?
    15. When I was little, I had a beautiful bike.
    16. What's your sister doing now?
    17. Yesterday I did not nothing.
    18. Kate can not help me because there is no time.
    19. What time you finished a lesson?
    20. Ann wants to study English.
    21. Mom did not give me money.
    22. Do you often visit friends?
    23. Did yesterday was hot?
    24. Kate was not happy because she lost 100 PLN.
    25. My sister was a sleep and my brother writes a letter.

    Myślę że jest dobrze ;)

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