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essey - za i przeciw pracy lekarza, min.120 słow, Pilne !
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    - I've always wanted to be a doctor. / Doctor's work always fascinated me.
    - It's getting harder and harder to find a born doctor.
    - These days we can meet many specialists but most of them choose such work just because it's a good business.
    - Saving humans' life is a fascinating job, but not many of us has such a strong will to study medicine, which in my opinion is a very hard subject.
    Arguments for:
    - It gives you great satisfaction to save somebody's life. It's the most inspiring feeling - to know that because of you someone, who may die, can still enjoy living.
    - Biology is still developing so it's possible than some doctors may contribute to finding new medicine.
    - More doctors = better medical care = less serious diseases = longer life.
    - More doctors = possibilities to send them to less developed countries, e.g. Africa.
    Arguments against:
    - Huge responsibility for taking care of people.
    - Sometimes there's nothing doctors can do, so they just have to watch their patients die.
    - Some doctors care less for others because they work half-heartedly.
    - No time for family (duty hours, home visits, unexpected surgeries).
    - Paraphrasing what you wrote in two last paragraphs and deciding which arguments prevail.
    - You own opinion (only when you were told to write such essay! if not, better not to do this).
    Nie chciało mi się pisać wszystkiego, ale napisałam konpekt, więc teraz tylko połącz całość w zdania (jeśli coś ze wstępu ci nie podchodzi, śmiało wywal :)). W Wordzie każdy akapit powinien zająć około 4 zdań, wtedy kompozycja nie będzie zachwiana.


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andzia2215 j. angielski - podanie o prace. pilne ! ;) Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 2 rozwiązania autor: andzia2215 7.4.2010 (19:32)
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mrowazgr Pilne na jutro Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 2 rozwiązania autor: mrowazgr 21.4.2010 (19:55)

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