Treść zadania



write about a sport, you do or one you imagine.
--> what your favourite sport is...
---> why do you like it..
--> when you started too watch..
---> what you fing difficult day about it..
--> what equipment you need

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie

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    I like team sports , such as football or basketball. The second one is my favourite sport. When I play I forget about problems, I feel awsome. I started watch basketball matches long time ago. Since this time I watch almost every matches in TV. In basketball like in volleyball I can't use my foot. I got one ball and two baskets - one for my team and one for the other team. To play basketball you must be very tall to reach the basket. Every team got five players. The players got often two metres and higher. One of the most popular basketball player is Michael Jordan. He is got 198 cm.
    This sport is difficult than other team sports. There are no goals, no ice-skates, but for me is the best.

    132 słowa, mam nadzieję, że wystarczy. Gdybyś czegoś nie rozumiał to pisz ;)


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