Treść zadania


Wstaw odpowiedni czas Past Perfect lub Past Simple.
1.Henry ............ ( return) home by the time Rachel phoned.
2.She ............. (not/go) to bed until she had taken a shower.
3.After Jim .............. (water) the plants, it started to rain.
4.As soon as the plane had landed,the capitan ............ (turn off) the seat-belt sing).
5.By the time Vicky woke up, the children ....... (already/make) brekfest.
6.Michelle ............. (wash) the dishes after everyone had gone home.
7.Diana ............. (never/see) an elephant before she went to Africa.
8.Don and Ellen had just finished eating when the doorbell ...............(ring).
9.He didn't read the newspaper until he ......... (take) the dog for a walk.
10.By the time Martin complated his raport,everyone ............ (go) home.
11.She ........... (not/want) to watch the film as she had seen it before.
12.We ......... (lock)the door as soon as everyone had left.
13.Tom ...............(already/have) dinner at his friend's house,so she didn't need to cook for him.
14.Anne took Simon to the doctor's because he ......... (cut) his finger.
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  • magisterka

    1.Henry hadn't returned home by the time Rachel phoned.
    2.She didn't go to bed until she had taken a shower.
    3.After Jim had watered the plants, it started to rain.
    4.As soon as the plane had landed,the captain turned off the seat-belt sing).
    5.By the time Vicky woke up, the children had already made breakfast.
    6.Michelle washed the dishes after everyone had gone home.
    7.Diana had never seen an elephant before she went to Africa.
    8.Don and Ellen had just finished eating when the doorbell rang.
    9.He didn't read the newspaper until he had taken the dog for a walk.
    10.By the time Martin completed his report,everyone had gone home.
    11.She didn't want to watch the film as she had seen it before.
    12.We locked the door as soon as everyone had left.
    13.Tom had already had dinner at his friend's house,so she didn't need to cook for him.
    14.Anne took Simon to the doctor's because he had cut his finger.

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