Treść zadania


Zdjęcie przedstawia moją przyjaciółkę Martę i mnie. Było ono zrobione dwudziestego drugiego października dwutysięcznego dziewiątego roku, dwa dni po moich urodzinach.
Spotkałyśmy się z Martą pod szkołą żeby trochę pospacerować i pogadać. Potem wpadłyśmy na pomysł iść do pewnego 'naszego miejsca' by porobić sobie zdjęcia. Tak więc się stało. Gdy doszłyśmy na miejsce koniecznie musiałyśmy się przygotować do sesji by jakość wyglądać. Nie obeszło się oczywiście bez niezbędnego lusterka Marty. Kiedy zdecydowałyśmy, że możemy przejść do robienia zdjęć przypomniało nam się, że zamiast tego miałyśmy się uczyć na matematykę no ale po prostu nam się nie chciało i przeszłyśmy dalej. Zrobiłyśmy kilka fotek po czym stwierdziłyśmy, że są one trochę sztywne więc postanowiłyśmy się powygłupiać. W śmiechach i wrzaskach udało nam się zrobić dużo różnych śmiesznych fotek. Po serii zdjęć poszłyśmy do Marty wgrać zdjęcia na komputer i zobaczyć co z nich wyszło. Oczywiście każde zdjęcie było dla nas dziwne, ale nie przejęłyśmy się tym za bardzo. Ważne, że miałyśmy się z czego pośmiać.
Jest to jedno z moich ulubionych zdjęć, ponieważ jestem na nim z Matą, która jest bardzo zakręcona. Otrzymałam je później na imprezie urodzinowej oczywiście od niej.

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    The photograph is introducing my friend Marta and me. It was done of the twentieth second October of the two thousandth ninth year, two days after my birthday party. We met with Marta under the school so that a bit walk and have a word. Then we hit upon an idea to go to certain 'our miejsca' in order to make photographs for oneself. This way so it happened. When we in place absolutely reached we had to prepare for the session in order to quality to look. Of course Marta's essential mirror was inevitable. When we decided that we could proceed to do photographs it tried to get our attention, that instead of it we had been supposed to learn to be mathematics yeah but they for us didn't simply want and we went farther. We did a few snapshots and then we stated that so they were a bit stiff we decided ourselves powygłupiać. In laughters and screams we managed to do many different funny snapshots. After series of photographs we went to Marta wgrać of taking to the computer and to see what resulted from them. Of course every photograph was strange for us, but we weren't upset by it too much. Important we had ourselves from what to have fun. This one of my favourite photographs is, since on it with the Mat which is very much I am turned off. I received them later on the birthday party of course from her.


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    The photo shows my friend Martha and me. It was done twenty-second day of October two thousand and nine, two days after my birthday.
    Martha met with the school to walk and talk a little bit. Then wpadłyśmy the idea to go to a 'our place' to do some photos of yourself. So it happened. When we reached the place we had to necessarily prepare for the session that the quality look. Do not cared, of course, without the necessary mirror Marta. When we decided that we can go to the shooting reminded us that, instead we had to learn the math well but just did not want us, and we passed on. We made a few photos and then stwierdziłyśmy that they are a little stiff so decided to fool around. In śmiechach and shouting, we managed to do a lot of different funny pics. After a series of photos we went to Martha upload pictures to your computer and see what came of them. Of course, each photo was strange to us, but not przejęłyśmy us really. It is important that we had something to laugh.
    It is one of my favorite pictures, because I am on it with a mat, which is very screwed. I received them later at a party, of course, since her birthday.

  • userphoto

    The photo shows my friend Martha and me. It was done twenty-second day of October two thousand and nine, two days after my birthday.
    Martha met with the school to walk and talk a little bit. Then wpadłyśmy the idea to go to a 'our place' to do some photos of yourself. So it happened. When we reached the place we had to necessarily prepare for the session that the quality look. Do not cared, of course, without the necessary mirror Marta. When we decided that we can go to the shooting reminded us that, instead we had to learn the math well but just did not want us, and we passed on. We made a few photos and then stwierdziłyśmy that they are a little stiff so decided to fool around. In śmiechach and shouting, we managed to do a lot of different funny pics. After a series of photos we went to Martha upload pictures to your computer and see what came of them. Of course, each photo was strange to us, but not przejęłyśmy us really. It is important that we had something to laugh.
    It is one of my favorite pictures, because I am on it with a mat, which is very screwed. I received them later at a party, of course, since her birthday.

  • userphoto

    Picture represents my friend Martha and me. It was made after my birthdays twentieth second two thousandth October of ninth year, two days.
    We met with Martha under school in order to to walk a bit and to talk. We fell on idea then to go to sure' our place' pictures would do me. Therefore stood. When we came on place necessarily we had to prepare to session quality they would look. It did not walk round meringues of indispensable Martha's mirror obviously. When we decided, that we can passages to doing pictures it remembered us, that we instead of this had to learn on mathematics just but we did not were want simply and we passed further. We made several fotek for what we affirmed, that they are a bit stiff it so it was decided was to powygłupiać. In laughters and it pretended screams to us to get a lot of different funny fotek. We after series of pictures went to Martha to wgrać on computer picture and to see with them what it went out. Every picture was for us odd obviously, but we did not take over with this for very. Important, that we were from what to laugh.
    This one is from my favourite pictures, because I am on him from the Mat which is winding very. I received it later on birthday event obviously from her.

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