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    Recenzja filmu harry potter komnata tajemnic np.

    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is fantastic film. It was directed by Chris Columbus. The movie is based on one of the books written by J.K.Rowling. Daniel Radcliffe has played the main role young boy who's a wizard.

    The film is set in USA and UK in 2001. The action of the film takes place in School of Witchcraft and Wizardry called Hogwart.

    The film tells story about three friends who, with the help of magic protect world from evil. Harry Potter’s biggest enemy is Lord Voldemort. In this part of Harry Potter he appeared as Tom Riddle. Voldemort killed Harry’s parents and tried to kill Harry, but then he lost his power. If Lord Voldemort wants to get back his power, Harry must die. Actors work very hard to studied that very difficult script. Director used special effects to made film more interested.

    In my opinion sequel of Harry Potter is successful but this part is better than others. Very good soundtrack by John Williams made this movie more dynamic.The move is worth seeing. Don't miss next part of Harry Potter adventures.


  • Avis

    "Step Up" is a movie musical. It was directed by Anne Fletcher. The main characters are Tyler Gage and Nora Clark. A picture tells the story of the school, which teaches the two young people with an outstanding talent for dance, "Hip Hop". Tyler is a boy from a poor family, Nora is rich only child.
    Nora Clark, already as a child dreamed of becoming a dancer. Her parents, representatives of the American upper middle class, paid for her ballet lessons. Currently she is a student last class of the prestigious Maryland School of the Arts. I prepared a very important performance, which can become a ticket to a professional career.
    Tyler Gage is a good boy who grew up in a poor neighborhood among car thieves. He has great talent for dancing. For demolished theater hall in the school is sentenced to 200 hours of community service in this space. Nora's partner is injured, and she notes that a poor boy outstanding as outstanding and replacement of an ideal partner for the dance. After some time, Tyler and Nora make friends with each other and work together to join the dance. After many days ćwiczeń two young dancers enter a contest against many known and famous people. Win the contest, but pay great attention to each other and are attracted to each other. Both dance and get proposals have a chance of a great career. The school is very proud of them, and Tyler, becoming exempt from indentured zdemolowania room meets your dreams dancing.
    I think that "Step Up" is worth seeing not only by teenagers. In my opinion movie very attracts curious spectators and their content. This film I really liked and I recommend to watch it.

  • bububu

    “Pulp Fiction”
    The Pulp Fiction, directed in 1994 by Quentin Tarantino, is an excellent film about American’s gangsters life. It takes place in Los Angeles and suburbs.

    Pulp Fiction is divided to chapters which are played in disorder. It is not only a full of sex gangster movie, but also a great comedy and sometimes a love story. Pulp Fiction is about two killers - Vincent and Jules - who have to give a briefcase from robbers to their boss -Marsellus, but they face some problems. Vincent has to take care of boss’ wife - Mia. Marsellus buys boxer Butch off and tell him to lose a fight, but Butch wins it, gains a lot of money and gets into trouble with Marsellus’ gang.

    In Pulp Fiction you can hear many humorous monologues like a story about watch which survive many, many years or Vincent’s speech about shops, police and drugs in Holland. In the movie star famous actors like Samuel L. Jackson, John Travolta, Uma Thurman and Bruce Willis.

    The soundtrack of this film is just fabulous, there are many good songs from 70’ and 80’, you can hear energetic tracks as “ Jungle Boogie” and “Misirlou”, romantic: “Let’s Stay Together” and “Since I First Met You” and some relaxing as “Surf rider” and “Rumble”.

    I recommend this movie, because it is said that this is not only the best of Tarantino’s movies but the best in all cinematography. ‘Pulp Fiction’ won the Oscar in Best Scenario and was nominated in many categories.

Podobne zadania

olinkowa249 opis tygrysa po angielsku i polsku szybko !!!!!!! Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 1 rozwiązanie autor: olinkowa249 8.4.2010 (18:37)
BajTa Musze Napisac Po Angielsku Opis Budynku Ma Sie Tam Znajdowac Nazwa Z czego Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 1 rozwiązanie autor: BajTa 21.4.2010 (18:28)
lays133 Recezja Filmu Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 1 rozwiązanie autor: lays133 23.4.2010 (07:30)
kaaaaaro Opis drogi Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 5 rozwiązań autor: kaaaaaro 29.4.2010 (22:29)
kaaaaaro Przetłumaczyć opis drogi na angielski. Przedmiot: Język angielski / Gimnazjum 14 rozwiązania autor: kaaaaaro 29.4.2010 (22:45)

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