Treść zadania


Wybierz właściwe słowo.
A:Hello,doctor.I feel terrible.
B:Lie 1out/down/away and let me look at you.Tell me about the 2operations/symptoms/medicines.

A:Well,I often get bad headaches.I've taken 3creams/patients/aspirins but they don't do any good.Do you think I'II have to go to 4 hostel/hotel/hospital?
B:No.I don't think so.I won't call an 5 ambulance/a dentist/a chemist to take you away yet!How are your eyes?Have you been to 6 a dentist/a nurse/ an optician recently?

A:No,I haven't/
B:It;s probably a good idea.If you don't 7 make/do/get better, come and see me.

Połącz podane zdania,tak aby utworzyły logiczne rozmowy.
1.What's your blood group?
2.My teeth ache.
3.I think I've got a temperature.
4.I won;'t be at school today.I feel ill.
5.Excuse me.Where's the nearest pharmacy?
6.Ow!I've burnt my finger.
7.Have you been fighting?
8.Have you got a bandage?

a)The chemist;s in London Road.
b)Why?Have you cut yourself?
d)I'II get the thermometer and see.
e)Put it under some cold water.
f)You should go to the dentist.
g)No,I got this black eye playing football.
h)Ok.I'II our teacher.See you when you get better!

Zadanie jest zamknięte. Autor zadania wybrał już najlepsze rozwiązanie lub straciło ono ważność.

Najlepsze rozwiązanie


  • Aphrael

    A:Hello,doctor.I feel terrible.
    B:Lie down and let me look at you.Tell me about the symptoms

    A:Well,I often get bad headaches.I've taken 3 aspirins but they don't do any good.Do you think I'II have to go to hospital?
    B:No.I don't think so.I won't call an ambulanceto take you away yet!How are your eyes?Have you been to an optician recently?

    A:No,I haven't/
    B:It;s probably a good idea.If you don't get better, come and see me.

    Połącz podane zdania,tak aby utworzyły logiczne rozmowy.
    1.What's your blood group? c)A+
    2.My teeth ache. f)You should go to the dentist.
    3.I think I've got a temperature. d)I'II get the thermometer and see.
    4.I won;'t be at school today.I feel ill. h)Ok.I'II our teacher.See you when you get better!
    5.Excuse me.Where's the nearest pharmacy? a)The chemist;s in London Road.
    6.Ow!I've burnt my finger. e)Put it under some cold water.
    7.Have you been fighting? g)No,I got this black eye playing football.
    8.Have you got a bandage? b)Why?Have you cut yourself?

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