Treść zadania

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Rozmawiasz z kolegą z Anglii:
-zapytaj jaki sporty lubi
-powiedz mu, gdzie jest najbliższe centrum sportowe
-powiedz mu jak tam się dostać

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    Which sports do you like?
    The nearest sport centre is on the right of the station. You must get on the bus number three and get off at the third bus stop. On the left will be the sport centre.


  • magda38777

    -I have a question, how do you like sports?
    -my favorite sport is basketball.
    -because I do not know where is the best sports center?
    best sports center is located in central London.
    -and how to get there?
    you have to go to the main street then turn left, right, and left again just around the corner there, you get to the place.
    -Thank you I do not know how to thank you.
    -there is not enough that what pujdziemy there together.

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