Treść zadania


Zadanie 1.
Do każdej części tekstu dobierz odpowiedni tytuł. Wpisz literę A, B, C lub D.

A. My teacher B. Lunch C. Students D. The city

1. _____ My school is in the centre of London. London is the capital of England. Tourists often visit this place because there are many interesting buildings.

2. _____ I am in class 4. There are fifteen pupils in my class: six boys and nine girls. We sometimes meet after school and do homework together or watch films on TV. My best friend is in my class. Her name is Jenny.

3. _____ Mrs Hobbins teaches us history. She is a young woman. She has got short blond hair and big blue eyes. I think she is really nice.

4. _____ At 1 pm we have a long break. During this break we go to the school canteen to eat our meals. I usually have chicken and chips but I sometimes eat fish with boiled vegetables.

Zadanie 2
Do każdego opisu miejsca dobierz jego nazwę. Wpisz literę A, B, C lub D.

A. Toy shop B. Shoe shop C. Newsagent’s D. Greengrocer’s

1. ____ Kids love this place because it is full of teddy bears and dolls for younger children and model planes and cars for teenagers. Sometimes even adults like to come and spend some time here.

2. ____ This shop offers only fresh fruit and vegetables. You can buy peaches, oranges and cherries here or get some carrots and potatoes to cook some vegetable soup at home.

3. ____ In this shop you can buy trainers for your P.E. classes or find a nice pair of sandals for summer. In winter you can get comfortable and warm boots here.

4. ____ In this place you can get newspapers and lots of colourful magazines with photos of famous actors and singers. You can also choose nice postcards to send to your friends.

Zadanie 3.

Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz odpowiedź zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zaznacz literę A, B lub C.

Welcome to the most modern zoo in Scotland. *** The zoo is situated in the Central Park and the entrance is next to the bus stop. The opening hours (summer season):

 8.00 am – 7.00 pm from Tuesday to Friday

 9.00 am – 8.00 pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

The opening hours (other seasons):
 10.00 am – 3.00 pm from Tuesday to Sunday.
The zoo is closed on Mondays during the whole year. *** Adults pay £5 for a ticket. School children pay £3. Children under 5 can enter the zoo for free. *** In the zoo there is a shop. You can buy albums, calendars and postcards of animals here. By buying anything in the shop you’re helping homeless animals in our region. The shop is open from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm from Tuesday to Saturday. Come and have lots of fun!

1. The zoo is open

A. from Monday to Saturday.

B. from Tuesday to Sunday.

C. from Monday to Friday.

2. During the winter season the zoo

A. is closed on Mondays.

B. is open from 9 am to 8 pm.

C. is closed at the weekend.

3. If you are a schoolchild, you

A. don’t have to pay.

B. pay £5.

C. pay £3.

4. You can help homeless animals if you

A. come to the zoo shop at 4 pm.

B. buy something in the zoo shop.

C. bring a calendar to the zoo shop.

Zadanie 4.

Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz literę A lub B.

1. We went on holidays ____ summer.

A. next
B. last

2. My father drove our ____ to Portugal.

A. plane
B. car

3. We stayed ____ a small hotel in the centre of Lisbon.

A. in
B. on

4. We visited ____ interesting places there.

A. much
B. many

5. I ____ a lot of souvenirs for my friends when I was there.

A. buy
B. bought

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    Kornelia z 6a ??


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