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Dopisz przynajmniej 5 zdań porównujących szkole polską i brytyjską
<nie licząc tego co ja napisze!>

British students start school at 8.30 am and Polish students start school at 8.oo am..........

tylkoo samemu pisać ,a nie z tlanslatoraa! boo sprawdzee!!

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    1.British students have got 2 hours pause for lunch and Polish students have got 25 or 20 minute for lunch.
    2.British students finish shool at 4 o clock and Polish students finish shool at one of three o clock.
    3.Polish students have got supper and British students haven t got supper.
    4.British students have got three or four language Polish students have got one or two language .
    5.Polish students haven t got uniform British students have got uniform


  • userphoto

    1.British students have got 2 hours pause for lunch and Polish students have got 25 or 20 minute for lunch.
    2.British students finish shool at 4 o clock and Polish students finish shool at one of three o clock.
    3.Polish students have got supper and British students haven t got supper.
    4.British students have got three or four language Polish students have got one or two language .
    5.Polish students haven t got uniform British students have got uniform

  • userphoto

    1.British students have got 2 hours pause for lunch and Polish students have got 25 or 20 minute for lunch.
    2.British students finish shool at 4 o clock and Polish students finish shool at one of three o clock.
    3.Polish students have got supper and British students haven t got supper.
    4.British students have got three or four language Polish students have got one or two language .
    5.Polish students haven t got uniform British students have got uniform

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