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    omputer keyboard – set tidied up of keys serving for manual steering the device or the manual data capture. Depending on the fulfilled function the keyboard contains keys of different kind – alphabetical, digital, of additional characters, of special functions, about user-defined meaningskutkować. Keyboards are appearing in the most different devices – typewriters, keyboard musical instruments, calculators, phones, tokens; in particular it is one of input sub-assemblies of the computer. Currently second hand models of computer keyboards have about 100 keys. Additional controls are more and more often built in into computer keyboards (trackpad, additional buttons, knobs, sliders and in.), test (shining diodes) and other (e.g. reader of memory cards, USB ports, nests to the hands-free kit) – most often for the service of the multimedia.
    History * 82 - keyboard – keyboard of the type the PC and XT * 84 - keyboard – keyboard of the AT type * 101 - keyboard – keyboard widened by the numeric keypad * 104 - keyboard – keyboard 101 widened by additional keys for the Windows menu * multimedia – keyboard 104 widened by additional keys. * multimedia – keyboard 145 widened by additional keys, new module of encoding and remembering keys. The keyboard is able to remember over 230 all sorts combinations. The first computer equipped with the keyboard came into existence in 1960.
    So that install the keyboard and please carry the driver out the following activities: 1. Switch off a computer and connect the stool pigeon of the keyboard to the right port PS/ 2 in the computer (usually of purple colour). Next switch on a computer. Before the installation of the driver of the keyboard all other programs operating keyboards must be removed (except for system) 2. Włó  floppy disk to the drive and:. Choose start the Start of the diet, and in the field of commands write down: and: setup and press the button okay. 3. In next windows press the NEXT 4 button. In conclusion nale  y to restart computer. It is necessary to start all functions of the keyboard.
    5. on the system beam (by the clock) an icon providing keyboards about correct starting installed driver 6 will appear. The installed program in the minimal step is using resources of the operating system and he is taking seats little on the hard disk.
    5.1 Calculator function keys - is switching the Windows Calculator on we computer - my Power Computer is opening the system window - is extorting closing the system and the power-off of the computer. He is only acting when the computer is wyposa  ony into the system of the power management. Of information to this topic nale to search for  y at the producer of the Sleep computer - a system and a computer are leading into the state of putting to sleep. He is only acting when the computer is wyposa  ony into the system of the power management. Of information to this topic nale  y szulać at the producer of the Wake computer - is leading the system and the computer out of the state of putting to sleep. He is only acting when the computer is wyposa  ony into the system of the power management. Of information to this topic nale  y szulać at the producer of the 5.2 computer multimedia Mute Keys - he is turning off and he is including sound - Vol - Zminiejsza volume + Vol - a volume is increasing Media - Windows is starting Media melt the Player - is turning Play/Pause reconstructing off - Next Reconstruct/pause - Next Prev work - Previous work 5. 3 Internet Keys
    Home - a Mail is starting the Web browser - is starting the customer of the Back electronic mail - Passage to the previous web page Forward - Passage to the next Refresh web page - is carrying the order out odświe  Search - is carrying the order out „ search ” Favorites - is triggering the function „ favourite ” melt - is carrying the order out „ stop


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