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Gramatyka opisowa - descriptive grammar

1. analyse the structure of the follwing sentences: include labes for phrase structure and clause elemtns; underline the heads of the phrases; name the relevant patterns.

a). My German shepherd is very anxious.
b). The committee members appointed Jim secretary of the group.
c). She carried a huge yellow umbrella.

2. in the following sentence indefity the direct object; explain your method; name the relevant pattern.

Fred Unsworth gave her a huge vote of confidence.

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    a). My German shepherd is very anxious.
    Determiner phrase=my german shepherd
    Adjective phrase= german shepherd
    Noun phrase=shepherd (in this noun phrase we have an empty determiner, right?)
    Is very anxious=verb phrase
    Very anxious= adverbial phrase
    b). The committee members appointed Jim secretary of the group.
    The committee members= determiner phrase
    Committee members=adjective phrase
    Members=noun phrase( empty determiner is omitted, am I right???)
    Appointed Jim secretary of the group=verb phrase
    Jim secretary of the group=complemental phrase
    Jim=complement or noun
    Secretary of the group=complemental phrase
    Of the group=prepositional phrase
    The group=determiner phrase
    c). She carried a huge yellow umbrella.
    She=noun phrase
    Carried a huge yellow umbrella= verb phrase
    a huge yellow umbrella=determiner phrase
    huge yellow umbrella= adjective phrase
    yellow umbrella=adjective phrase

    *What comes first in a phrase is the head of that phrase and it gives name for that phrase

    Zadanie 2
    a huge vote of confidence = direct object

    An indirect object is always the recipient of the direct object. Thus, HER (I mean SHE) is the recipient of A HUGE VOTE OF CONFIDENCE which is the DIRECT OBJECT

    DIRECT OBJECT is what is given to you and YOU receive it, so you are INDIRECT OBJECT

    The pattern used above is: VERB+INDIRECT OBJECT+DIRECT OBJECT


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