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proszę o skrócenie tekstu z j.angielskiego ;) .! można opowiedziec tez własnymi słowami i przetłumaczyc na polski ;)

Have you ever touched a cobra? Have you played with a python? Austin Stevens, the 'Snakeman' , has done all this and more. He travels the world, from the rainforests in Costa Rica to Australian deserts, to find snakes and film them. Have you seen his fascinating programme yet? Austrian Stevens: Snakemaster is on Animal Planet at 8 p.m every Saturday.

The programme is about the most dangerous snakes in the world. Austin walks through the jungle in Ecuador and goes into caves in Indonesia to teach us about the life of snakes.

He has been to all seven continents and has won many photographic awards. He started only five years ago and has already published more than 150 articles about animals. He has also written a book about snakes called Snakes in My Bed.

Austin Stevens says he's not afraid of snakes because he knows a lot about them. But he has some serious accidents . When he was bitten by an adder, he spent six days in a coma.

In 1986, Austin spent 107 days and nights in a glass cage with 36 of Africa's deadliest snakes. He did this to raise money for the protection of the Africa gorilla.

There is only one snake he has never seen, It's a harmless snake called the elephant trunk snake. It lives in water and looks like a piece of wood.

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    The tekst is about Austin Stevens, called the "Snakeman". He tought snakes like cobra or python. He has made film about his travelling. He has visited rainforests and deserts. The main aim of his travelling is to find different snakes.
    His programme shows the most dengerous snakes in the world. Thanks that you can learn about snakes a lot of.You can also see different parts of the world like jungle in Ecuador and caves in Indonesia. He has visited all seven continents.
    He has made a lot of photos. He started five years ago and he has already published more than 150 articles about animals. He is the winner of some photographic competition. He has also written a book about snakes called Snakes in My Bed.
    Austin Stevens is very brave man. He spends 107 days in a glass cage with Africa's deadliest snakes. I think, he is the only man in the world who has known a lot of snakes. Thanks that he raised money for the protection of the Africa gorilla.
    You can see his programme on Animal Planet at 8p.m. every Saturday.


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