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Napisz wypracowanie o Kaliszu. W którym mają się znajdować min:

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    Kalisz (Latin Calisia, Yiddish. קאַליש, German Kalisch) - one of the oldest cities in Poland, the historical capital of the Wielkopolska region. The second largest and also the second most urbanized center of Wielkopolska province, district of Magistrates, the county seat of earth, the main city of the agglomeration of the Kalisz-Ostrowska headquarters of the Diocese of Kalisz.
    The city is located in Kalisz Plateau, is located on the river Prosną.
    Since the fifteenth century to the Second Partition of Polish Kalisz was the capital of one of the two, and since 1768, one of three provinces in Wielkopolska. He then became the capital of the department of the Duchy of Warsaw, in the Congress Kingdom capital of the province (until 1837), later (in the years 1837-1845 and 1867-1918) the capital of the province of the Russian Empire. In the years 1975-1998 was the capital of the province of Kalisz.
    Kalisz is a strong cultural center. There is a concert hall, theaters, museums, numerous galleries and festivals. Well-developed market for the media - many local newspapers, radio and television.
    Born in Kalisz, president of the Second Republic, Stanisław Wojciechowski.
    Numerous discoveries of Roman imports suggest that the area was an important center of Kalisz from amber route. This and the similarity of the medieval name for the ancient Kalisii Kalisz / Calisii wzmiankowanej in the second century AD by Ptolemy of Alexandria is the reason for their identification by some historians (some Calisia situate in what is now Slovakia).
    The settlement of the castle kasztelańska from the ninth century, named after the archaic meaning feces swamp, marsh. Due to the numerous findings indicating the presence of Celts in the vicinity of Kalisz [3] it is also possible that the name comes from the Celtic word inch, meaning a stream or river.
    In 1193 in the Collegiate Church of St. Paul the Apostle was buried Kalisz Prince Mieszko the Younger, in 1195 Duke Bolesław of Kujawy Mieszkowice, in 1202 Polish Prince Mieszko superior old.
    The city reached a high position in the second half. Thirteenth century, when it became the main residence of Boleslaw the Pious and the capital of the eastern Wielkopolska. At that time, the ruler has a location in the city of Kalisz - at a new site, near the new city established by Henry the Bearded (north of the destroyed, the original castle.) It is not known, however, the date of this event. The alleged privilege of 1264, conferring the right to collect duties Kalisz salt, is a forgery from the late thirteenth and fourteenth century, the oldest authentic record of Kalisz, as the town comes from 1268, although in the proofreading errors in the "Greater Diplomatic Code" has been circulated under a wrong date of the 1260th Some sources suggest the existence of a Franciscan convent in Kalisz in 1257 already, but this still does not prejudge the status of the then urban settlements. It is therefore assumed that the city granted the right to Kalisz from 1268 [4].
    During disintegration (thirteenth century) the capital of a separate principality. In modern times the governor's office, the center of drapery and carpentry, in the nineteenth century an important center of Kalisz-Mazowieckie industrial district. Centre for scientific and religious, after leaving the Habsburg Bohemia near the settled community of the Brethren. Since 1801 continuously running theater founded by Wojciech Boguslawski. In the early nineteenth century, the political party headquarters Kaliszan striving for economic reforms.
    In 1813 Tyniec fought the battle of Kalisz, where the Saxon troops of the Grand Army VII Corps, General Reynier were defeated by the Russian corps of General von Wintzingeroda; Kalisz Kalisz and the department were occupied, and the Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia signed the Treaty of Kalisz. In 1815 the Polish Kingdom was established in 1816 and re-created province Kalisz. In 1818 the diocese was founded Kujawsko-Kaliska and Kalisz Musical Society was founded, the oldest music society in Poland. In the same year the prince governor Joseph hare issued a decision to fund loan for Kalisz, starting with rebuilding the great city: regulates the Warsaw suburb, laid out among others St. Marks Square. Joseph, Warsaw street, the street of Lodz, Wroclaw regulated suburb, street, avenue Josephine and Wroclaw, the palace was built in 1821 Trybunalski, in 1824 the palace Kaliskiego Commission of the Province, in 1826 Stone Bridge, in 1833 the palace Weissów. In the years 1842-1843, designed by Theodore Urbanski Kaliski regulated water knot. In 1864 Kaliska Fire Brigade was formed, the first volunteer fire brigade in the Polish Kingdom. In 1866 the canal was built Bernardine Iron Bridge, the first Polish bridge made of steel [5]. In 1870 it began to appear "Kaliszanin. In 1878 he founded a piano factory and Arnold Fibiger Pianos, a piano factory in 1887 and Theodore Pianos Betting, in 1892 and the biscuit factory Gingerbread Mystkowskiego Kazimierz. In 1890, the new town hall was completed in 1900 completed the construction of new building of the Municipal Theatre, and in 1902 the construction of the building Kaliski Music Society, the concert hall.


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