Treść zadania


‘’Czadowa tablica’’
Obecna szkoła w parafii Gore ma dach pokryty słomą i patykami. Ściany zrobione są z traw i gałęzi. Jest tylko jedna klasa, a w niej 50 uczniów. Najmłodszy ma 10lat, najstarszy 50lat.
Ławki zrobione są z kołków wbitych w ziemię, nie ma stolików, zeszytów, długopisów.
‘’Zbiórka pieniędzy na budowę dwóch szkół w Czadzie’’
Koszt: 20 000 euro, potrzeba 2700 osób, które wpłacą po 30 zł.
Jest tylko jedna tablica szkolna, na której pojawi się TWOJE IMIĘ I NAZWISKO, jeśli pomożesz!
Pieniądze można wpłacać na konto z tytułem ‘’Szkoła w Czadzie’’
Sekretariat Misyjny Braci Mniejszych Kapucynów

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Najlepsze rozwiązanie

  • 0 0

    Current school in the parish of Gore has a roof covered with straw and sticks. The walls are made of grass and branches. There is only one class and 50 pupils in it. The youngest is 10 years, the oldest 50 years
    Benches are made of pegs driven into the ground, no tables, notebooks, pens.
    Collection of money''for the construction of two schools in Chad''
    Cost: EUR 20 000, it takes 2,700 people to pay the 30 zloty.
    There is only a chalkboard, which appears in YOUR NAME, if you help!
    Money can be paid into an account with the title of''school''in Chad
    The Secretariat of the Capuchin Mission


  • userphoto

    Covered roof has in parish straw ’ table ’ ’ present school Czadowa Gore and sticks. Walls are made from grass and branch. One class is only, but in (to) 50 pupils (disciples) her (it). -Lat (summer; year) has youngest 10, -lat (summer; year) oldest 50. They are made from pegs sticked to land (earth) Ławki, does not have stolików, exercise books, pens. On structure of two (two) school in chad ‘ ’ muster money ’ ’ cost 20 000 euro, requirement 2700 persons, which (who) will pay be for (after) 30 zloty one school table only, YOUR NAME will appear on which (who) and SURNAME, if you will help! It is possible to pay money on account with title in chad ‘ ’ school ’ ’ secretariat missionary brother small capuchin

  • userphoto

    Array of kick-ass''''
    Current school in the parish of Gore has a roof covered with straw and sticks. The walls are made of grass and branches. There is only one class and 50 pupils in it. The youngest is 10 years, the oldest 50lat.
    Benches are made of pegs driven into the ground, no tables, notebooks, pens.
    Collection of money''for the construction of two schools in Chad''
    Cost: EUR 20 000, it takes 2,700 people to pay the 30 zł.
    There is only a chalkboard, which appears in YOUR NAME, if you help!
    Money can be paid into an account with the title of''school''in Chad
    The Secretariat of the Capuchin Mission

  • pawel11749

    Array of kick-ass''''
    Current school in the parish of Gore has a roof covered with straw and sticks. The walls are made of grass and branches. There is only one class and 50 pupils in it. The youngest is 10 years, the oldest 50lat.
    Benches are made of pegs driven into the ground, no tables, notebooks, pens.
    Collection of money''for the construction of two schools in Chad''
    Cost: EUR 20 000, it takes 2,700 people to pay the 30 zł.
    There is only a chalkboard, which appears in YOUR NAME, if you help!
    Money can be paid into an account with the title of''school''in Chad
    The Secretariat of the Capuchin Mission

Podobne zadania

ewelina071090 przetumacz: -DRES -WYKSZTAŁCENIE ŚREDNIE -ZLEWOZMYWAK -SZAFA NA Przedmiot: Język angielski / Liceum 2 rozwiązania autor: ewelina071090 18.11.2010 (23:22)

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