Treść zadania


complete the text with the present perfect or the past simple from of the varbs in the box .
be, get, go, invite, learn , make, move, not start ,sit

i ________ with the same calssmaters . Last year I_______ with a boy called Callum but his famyli ___
just ____ to Italy. i ____ an eamil from him yestarday and he ____ already ____ some Italian.
he ____ school in Italy yet but he ____ alerady ____ friends with the boys who livein this street.

Callum and his parends ___ me to visit Italy! i'm very excited because i ____ never ___ to anoyher country . i'm going to start saving immediately !

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    i [? ale zostało make :) ] with the same classmates . Last year I sat with a boy called Callum but his family has just moved to Italy. i got an email from him yesterday and he has already learned some Italian.
    he didn't start school in Italy yet but he has already been friends with the boys who live in this street.

    Callum and his parents invited me to visit Italy! i'm very excited because i have never gone to another country . i'm going to start saving immediately !


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