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    Advantages and disadvantages of computer

    advantages of computers are :
    1.computers proccess data faster
    2.computers are more accurate
    3.computers are efficient

    disadvantages of computers are:
    1.they rely on electricity, hence limit their reliability
    2.they are expensive
    3.the cause finger and eyesight disorders such as RSI,CTS


  • maturzysta2010

    I really like my computer becouse i always do my homework with my PC.
    In free time i like play at computer games with my ffirends online.
    Sometimes i watch some movies on computer so i dont need go to the cinema.

    My computer is really good, but its take me a lot of time couse its like a junky food.
    You can have some problems with your eyes when you sitting and working at computer a lot of time.
    If you are sitting and working you cant play some sport with your firend at the fresh air.

  • myszka2x2

  • userphoto

    The computer is a great tool to help in education and child development. Proper selection of educational programs, not only in this way can you learn may help the child to acquire knowledge and develop many skills such as logical thinking, bringing together the facts, endurance, patience, and quick decision-making customs. Properly selected programs help develop observation, dexterity, manual dexterity, reflexes, and divided attention.
    - Contact with the computer may have children of kindergarten age. It can be used as an excellent tool for learning and development.
    - Internet access will allow the acquisition of knowledge in a pleasant way (surfing the sides), for example, Adam Malysz may also know the force of example, the way to the glory of their biggest idols.
    - Slow computer skills and use of basic software becomes obvious in the labor market.
    - Thanks to the computer the child can relax, calm down, through specific programs, games, nice child spends time. Making it later fajniewesołe But for the rest of the day. The advantage is also that the child is under the care of their parents.
    - Special chat rooms to allow the child to meet new friends, from the whole Polish. Your child will feel more confident, knowing that he has friends.
    - The important role that introduced computers into the world of disabled children with severe limb paralysis and impaired speech and hearing. Individual selection for each such child the appropriate peripheral device, your computer may become for them a tool of communication and education, and future performance of socially useful profession, which involves the value and possibility of becoming self-disabled person.


    - Spending time at the computer should not be the primary form of leisure for the child. This may have broken ties and contact with the child's peers or family members. As well as science and abandonment obligations.
    - Your computer may cause the child's aggression and destructive behavior caused him unsuitable for the games, which often leads the killing, shooting, brutal beatings and mindless destruction. This is particularly dangerous for developing just and immature personality.
    - Threats from uncontrolled winikającej dostępnu to the Internet, which is the repository of all knowledge and information may become vulnerable to the threat manipulation immature child psychology. I'm talking about web pages containing explicit sexual content, violent, nawoływujące to racism, etc.
    - The computer not only affects the psyche of a child, but also on his health (very much). Very long to spend at the computer powodujeJeszcze jiffy, half an hour!: Enhancing faulty posture, eye strain, and after a long time, even short-sightedness. When the child's nervous system is attacked by a long stream of multicolored lights, a cacophony of sounds and exciting seesaw of emotions arising from experiences in the virtual world can claim to attention disorders, problems with thinking, emotional upset, alienated from the real world, changes in relationships with your loved ones emotional and many other personality disorder known as dependence on the computer.
    - After some time the child will live in a virtual world, progressively less time with their peers, will remain in the house (near the computer) rather than go outside. Rarely initiates a fun movement, no interest in art classes, or playing blocks, but the monitor can sit for hours. Such a child is slowly losing the ability to establish contacts with their peers and the establishment of new friendships, building relationships and emotional development. Do not even feel the need for contact with real friends, will find them in the virtual world.

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